| Static. | Yamaguchi Tadashi

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Where you would feel an electric shock when you touch something your soulmate had touched.-Okay but shit I haven't updated in like forever. Here have this fic with Ghost!Yamaguchi. I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS UGH HE IS TOO PRECIOUS.-Enjoy!


You didn't believe in the whole soulmate thing that majority of the world believed. If it was actually true, then God found the stupidest way probably by randomly picking it out from satan's box. You honestly had no idea why this soulmate thing was still living.
Everytime your friends pick up a spoon or sit down on a chair in a public area, they would squeal and freak out about how their soulmate had been there. Like Jesus, there's something called static electricity. You on the other hand, did not feel a fucking thing when it came to touching things. There would be no static, no electricity, no anything. All you would feel is the cold flashlight in your hand which seemed too cold for your liking.

You walk grumpily through the woods ducking under tree branches mumbling under your breath at how stupid this dare was.

You were on a camping trip with your friends for two days and one night and all of a sudden Hinata had suggested the dumbest game ever.

Truth or dare.

Like what the actual living fuck is that? He was 18 years old and he came up with that game? You thought that nobody would be playing that game after middle school but no, he had the mentality of a 8 year old. You loved him but sometimes he was too optimistic and would melt anything with his radiant smile. Everybody had chosen truth and so many confessions had been revealed. Too much for your liking because of some nasty things your friends had been doing. Kageyama had chosen a dare and he was stripped naked in the freezing cold. When it got to your turn, you didn't want to be a wuss and choose truth so you chose dare. So Nishinoya had made you walk all the way to the abandoned house you've passed by while heading to the camping site.

You blow out a puff of air and tuck your hair behind your ear calming yourself down.

'What's the worst that can happen? There's no such things as ghosts. It's just a little dark and I could see perfectly fine.'

No, it wasn't a little dark. It was a full on fucking blackout in this forest. You couldn't even see two feet in front of you without holding your flashlight to the path in front of you. You honestly had no sense of direction and bumped into a tree one time. And in return, you got a mouthful of pasty leaves.
You spit out the leaves in disgust tripping on a step falling on the porch of the house with a loud 'thud!'. You groan eyes shut in pain while getting up. As you pick up the flashlight and stand up, the wind howls the door being hurled open startling you.

"Dear god... that almost gave me a heart attack..."

You creep inside the house slowly your flashlight shining at various places. The interior of the house was worn down, curtains ripped and swaying in the wind, the chandelier hanging lop-sided, and the floorboards creaking ever so slightly. You walk cautiously to a dresser your flashlight shining at a picture frame. It was a photo of a small family. A mother, father, and a little boy.

The little boy had olive green hair and freckles dusting his cheeks. He had a wide smile plastered on his face reflecting the happiness he was feeling. Something about the picture just seemed so eerie... Your hand unconsciously reaches for the frame when your hand jolted back from a tingling shock that shook your whole body.


You drop the flashlight grabbing your hand in pain. Well that was a big shock...

You shake your hand trying to get rid of the feeling and grabbing your flashlight from the ground. From this point, the flashlight should've probably stopped working because you dropped it so many times being startled. Not that you were scared or anything. At least an abandoned house didn't scare you. You shiver a bit at the scary feeling inside the house knowing that something wasn't right. You looked down at your watch and figured that it wouldn't hurt if you looked around.

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