| Lost. | Kageyama Tobio

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| Lost. |


Where anything you lose (ex: hair tie) ends up in your soulmate's possession.


Mild swearing?


The last scenario I did with Tsukishima was emotional so I was going to make this a comical one :>



"Aw crap where did my striped sock go?!"

You dig through your drawers throwing various articles of clothing all over your room. You were simply looking for the other sock to your pair so you can meet up with a few of your friends. You were supposed to meet them at 1 pm but you overslept twenty minutes over.


It's a good thing your mother woke you up because you knew that you would've woke up the next morning. You mumble some colorful words under your breath as you find a white shirt with the words "Karasuno High School" that didn't belong to you.

"I find a shirt that doesn't belong to me but I can't find my socks."

You scowl as you shove it back in your drawer just slipping on your red striped sock along with another mismatching sock because you had no time to do anything else. You scramble up as you take your bag and stuff it with your wallet, house keys, and some other things that you grabbed unconsciously due to your hurry. You trip over some clothes telling yourself that you were going to clean it up after you come back from your outing. 

You dash out your room shouting a quick goodbye to your mother as she shouts back to come back early. You don't hear the last part of what she says as you slip on your sneakers and run out the door. You make it to the corner of the block when you scream in frustration forgetting to lock the door. You run back to close your house door and running back again. You cross the block scuttling over to your bus stop just in time for the bus to pull up in front of the stop. By the time you get on the bus, you were a panting and sweaty mess.

You pant as you take a seat next to an elderly person sighing in relief. You dig through your bag taking out your phone and turning it on. You saw that there were ten messages from all three of your friends as you bite your lip. You open each one of them reading and replying back to them.

1:06 PM

To: [Name]
From: Small Orange

[Name]!!!! Where are you?!

1:11 PM

To: [Name]
From: Small Orange

Hello?!?!?!?!?!?!? Are you dead?!?!!

1:25 PM

To: Small Orange
From: [Name]

Hinata don't worry I'm alive and well!! I just overslept a lot.....

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