Chapter 31

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Amanda's POV
"So, here are the plans for the office. We're going to make it a sixteen story building, having it be a slim skyscraper. Is their anything we really need in the design?" The architect designer asks and I shake my head.

"Thank you Mrs. Madison. Your plan is amazing, I can't wait to work with you further on this project." I say shaking her hand as Olivia, Brooklyn, and I walk out of her office.

"Well, it's been a great few days ladies. Now go enjoy London!" I tell them and they nod. I hurry back to my hotel to get ready for the designer dinner.

The designers here in London heard about my visit, and we decided to meet up for dinner. As the driver takes me back to the hotel, Ashton sends me a photo. (Archer below)

Ash<3- you have some rock in your blood

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Ash<3- you have some rock in your blood...

Amanda- well well well, looks like I do;)

I smiled at the picture of Archer, thinking of the kids at home. And the men taking care of them. I go up to my hotel room to change and get ready for the dinner. I shower and change, then do my hair. Amanda's Outfit)

Once I finish I head to the car waiting out front for me

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Once I finish I head to the car waiting out front for me.
Ashton's POV
"Archer, Andrew, Addison! Time for school!" I shout up the stairs as the three little ones run down the steps. (Andrew, Archer, and Addison's Outfits)

 (Andrew, Archer, and Addison's Outfits)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Hey Ashy!" Addison yells jumping into my arms

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Hey Ashy!" Addison yells jumping into my arms. We go out to the car and they hop in. I drive them to school and wave them off. I then set off for the studio. The boys are already waiting for me, giving me high fives when I walk in.

"How are the roadies doing?" Michael asks and I laugh. "They're the roadies." I shrug and get behind the drum kit. We practice a few songs before it's time to pick up the little ones.

"Hey Ashy!" The little ones chime as they hop in the car. "Hey little guys, and girl. Buckle up alright?" I say and they nod. I drive them off to the nearest ice-cream place.

"Let's head in, your uncles are coming over later." They nod and we go in. They grab their cups and put ice-cream in them. I grab my own and put ice-cream in while they get their toppings. I head over there and put on my own toppings.

We go to check out and see none other than my ex, Mckenzie. "Well, well, well. Sitting for Amanda, Ashton? I thought you didn't want kids." She says as the kids give her confused looks. "Well, I wanted kids. Just not with you. So can we please buy our ice-cream."

She huffs then checks us out. We walk back out to the car and the kids climb in. "What did that girl mean Ashy?" Addison asks as we drive. "When I first met your mother, I didn't want any other girl. I wanted to marry, and have children with her. But then that girl and another girl got in my way, and your mother went out with Andrew's namesake. She then married Archer, Archer namesake. I tried to date other girls, but I only compared them to your mother. So, I've loved your mother for roughly eight years."

They listened intently, just like their mother. "So, you've loved mommy that long?!" They shriek and I nod. We get to the house and they climb out. They eat their ice-cream as I open the door for them. They each sit at the table as we eat our ice-cream.

"Ashy, what time are our uncles coming?" Archer asked and i shrug. "They should be here, right about now." I say and the doorbell rings. "Hey munchkins!" Michael yells picking up Andrew in his arms. Luke picks up Archer, and Calum picks up Addison.
"So, what's for dinner Ashy?" Calum asks, cuddling with Addison and the other little ones on the couch. "Well, I'm making Ravioli. Your mother gets home on Sunday, so we have the whole weekend for everything else. I was thinking of making omelettes?" The boys and little ones nod. They turn back to the TV, while I go into the kitchen.

Laughs and giggles are heard from the living room as I make dinner. "Little and big ones, dinner is ready." I say and they all run into the kitchen. "Michael grab the plates, Luke the silverware, Calum the napkins. While the little ones and I will wash up." We head off in different directions.

"Scrub a dub dub Ashy!" Addison yells as we rush into the bathroom. They wash their hands and I do as well. We go back into the kitchen to see the boys holding three plates. "Andrew to Michael, Archer to Luke, Addison to Calum." I tell them and they nod. The boys serve the little ones, then take their plates to the table. The boys and I serve ourselves after them, then join them.

"Ashy, can we see a movie tomorrow?" Andrew asks and I nod. "Are the other boys up to it?" I ask and they nod. "We could see if Stryker and Bella are up to it? I mean the stress of adopting their little girl is pretty stressful." Calum says and I nod.

"I'll go call since I finished my food, after you three are finished you need to take your baths." I tell the little ones. I leave the room to call Stryker and Bella.

Stryker and Bella got married when the triplets were two years old. Amanda was the only one who came to the wedding. Bella and Stryker aren't able to have kids, since Bella has something wrong with her organs. They've been trying to adopt a little girl for a few months now.
(The conversation S-Stryker A-Ashton)

A-hey Stry, I'm watching the triplets for Amanda. We wanted to know if you'd like to come to the movies with us?
S-that sounds perfect. We'll be over in the morning. See ya Ash.
A- see ya Stry.

"Guess what little ones?" I say as the three look at me. "Stryker and Bella are going to be here in the morning!"

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