Chapter 25

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Amanda's POV
"You're pre-pregnant?" Archer asks in a hushed tone and I nod. He picks me up and spins me around. Archer then sets me down and kisses me passionately. "C-can we tell them?" He asks and I nod. We go over to the DJ and ask for the microphone.

"So, as some of you have noticed. Amanda hasn't drank any alcoholic beverages tonight because she's pregnant!" Archer says and everyone cheers. "I'm gonna be a father finally!" He whispers looking at me, making me smile.

"How far along are you?"

"What is there name going to be?"

"Who'll be the godparents?"

The same questions coming up over and over again. Through the night we have been questioned and congratulated.
Four and a half months later
"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Richards, are you here for your noon appointment?" The secretary asks and we both nod. We sit in the waiting room, until they call our names. "Alright, what are we hoping for?" The doctor asks and we shrug. "Anything really."

"Well, oh my. Looks like you are having triplets." The doctor says and we both smile. "Would you like the genders to be a surprise or would you like to know?"

"We'd like the results but, we're having a gender reveal party." Archer says and she nods. "Alright, here's the packet. Thank you Mr. And Mrs. Richards." We leave the office we enlightened hearts.

"Triplets baby, triplets." Archer repeats over and over as we walk to the car. He holds my hand as we drive back to the office. "Go do your job, I'll see you after work baby." I tell him walking into the elevator and up to my office.

"Hello Mrs. Richards. Your one o'clock clients are here." Brooklyn tells me and I smile. I walk in and see four Australian boys. "Hey Am- HOLY SHIT YOUR PREGGERS!" Michael shouts and I laugh.

"Yes I am Michael, I was just at the doctor's office for my check-up." I tell them as I sit at my desk. "Jesus, what did Archer do to ya?" Ashton asks and I blush. "Well, I don't know he married me and now we're soon to be parents of triplets." I say smiling.

"Well congrats." The boys say and I thank them. "Would you four like to come to the gender reveal party? It would make up for missing the wedding." I tell them wiggling my eyebrows and they nod. "That sounds good, what day is it?" I hand Calum and the other boys each an invitation.

"Who knew we'd all be famous someday?" Luke jokes, three of the boys and I laugh. Ashton just stares at me.
The gender reveal party
"Everyone place there bets now!" Archer and I tell the crowd of people. Our families, friends, and colleagues have all come to the party. "So, now that everyone has placed their bets. Bring out the boxes!" Archer says, Alexandra, Dan, and my father bring out the three boxes.

"Baby A, let's see." I say opening it as blue balloons fly up. I look over at Archer smiling. "Baby B." I say opening it for more blue balloons. "Archer, baby C." He opens it as pink balloons fly out.

"Amanda." Archer says as he holds me in his arms. "Just what we wanted." I whisper in his ear as he smiles. "Congratulations Archer and Amanda!" Our guests cheer as we smile. Archer holds me close to his side as everyone smiles at us.
Four months later
"Archer!" I yell as I feel a drop in my stomach. "It's time!" I say as he hurries me into the car. He grabs the hospital bag and we rush to the hospital. We called ahead so they're waiting for us. "Alright, let's get you to your room Mrs. Richards." A nurse says wheeling me into my hospital room. They change me into a hospital gown when Archer and the doctor enter.

"Ah, hello Mrs. Richards. So I'm just going to see how long it'll be until you're ready to push." My doctor says and I nod. "Your at six inches, I'll be back in a bit to check." She leaves the room and leaves me and Archer.

"I called everyone, they'll all be here soon." He says and I nod. He runs his hand through my hair a few more times before the doctor comes back in. "Ah, lets wheel you into the delivery room." Archer is put in scrubs as we pass everyone in the lobby.

"Good luck Amanda!" Ryan yells making me chuckle. "Alright Mrs. Richards, start pushing." Archer holds my hand the whole time as I scream and scream. "And the first one is a boy!" The doctor says handing him over to a nurse.

"The second is, a boy!" She says making me smile. "And the third bundle of joy is your little girl!" The doctor says making me smile. "You did good baby." Archer says as I fall asleep.
"Baby, there's three perky little people who'd like to meet their mommy." I hear Archer say and I open my eyes. He hands me the boys while he holds our little girl. "The boys look exactly alike." He says as I look at the three little babies.

"So, what will we name these three?" Archer asks and I smile.

"How about..."

"Are guests allowed in?" I hear my dad say and I chuckle. "Yes, come on in." I say and they come in smiling. "Everyone, meet Andrew David Richards, Archer David Richards Junior, and Addison Rose Richards." I say proudly.

"They're so adorable!" Bella squeals stealing Andrew from my arms. "Be careful with Andrew." I tell her and she nods. The babies are all passed around making me and Archer both smile.

Light (Ashton Irwin) {Completed}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن