Chapter 7

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Amanda's POV
After me and my dad stopped hugging, we turned to Dalton. "What happened to Ash?" I asked him. "I told him to go home, he told me to tell you that he'd text you." Dalton tells me and I nod.

"So who is this 'Ash' fellow that Dalton was telling me about." My dad says wiggling his eyebrows making me laugh. "He's one of her new friends at school, who's also her crush." Dalton answers for me, causing me to blush.

"So, when do I get to meet him?" My father asks, before I can answer the doorbell rings. "One second, that's probably Lincoln. Him, Ash, and I are working on our history project today." I tell dad and Dalton while getting the door. I'm soon greeted by Lincoln's blue eyes. "Hey Ama-" he doesn't finish his sentence after seeing Dalton. "Uh, who's that?" Lincoln asks pointing to Dalton.

"Oh that's my brother Dalton, and the older gentleman is my father." I tell him and he nods. "We'll be back down for dinner." I shout to them as I drag Lincoln up the stairs to my room. I quickly lock the door after throwing Lincoln in my room.

"You're gay aren't you?" I ask him and his eyes go wide before nodding. "How could you tell?" He asks silently as I sit next to him. "Because, when you saw my brother your eyes lit up." I tell him and we both end up laughing. After we eat dinner Lincoln and I work on the project some more. I keep looking at my phone and window, waiting for at least something from him.

"Hey, you like Ashton don't you?" He asks and I nod. "Ever since I saw him, I knew he was the one." I told Lincoln and he nodded. "I should get going, try to get me and your brother together." Lincoln says as I laugh and wave him off.

After he's left I shower and get ready to sleep. I expected Ashton to already come through the window. He never shows up, leaving me to wonder what's wrong. I fall asleep at one o'clock in the morning, wishing Ashton was holding me.
The next morning Ashton avoids me like the plague. Stryker and the other guys won't tell me what's up causing me to become stressed.
When we reach the end of the day, I catch up to Ashton to walk with him. "What did I do?" I ask him as we continue walking, he ignores my question. "Well, if it's about Lincoln you should know something." At the mention of Lincolns name he halts.

"What do I need to know about he who shall not be named." Ashton says quietly. "Me and Lincoln have one similarity." Ashton gives me a weird look before I continue. "We both like guys." When I finish, Ashton's eyes are bulging out of their sockets and his cheeks are red.

"Really? I've been jealous of a gay guy?" I nod before taking off for my house, laughing my butt off. Ashton follows behind me, laughing along with me. When we reach my house we're both out of breath.

"By the way, my dad wants to properly meet you." I tell him and he nods. He walks into the house with me. Dalton and my dad are enjoying a football game in the living room.

"Dad." At the mention of his name he gets up and comes toward us. "Dad, this is Ashton. Ashton this is my dad." I introduce them both. My dad and Ashton give each other a handshake. "It's great to finally meet you Ashton."

"It's great to finally meet you to sir." Ashton says a smiling appearing upon his face. "You can call me Marcus, Ashton." My dad says smiling back at the boy beside me.

"Alright, we'll be upstairs working on our project. When Lincoln comes can you tell him to come upstairs?" I ask my dad and he nods.

"How did you find out Lincoln was into guys?" Ashton says sitting on my bed, I go and sit next to him. "I figured it out on my own. I saw his eyes light up when he saw Dalton, I really hope him and Dalton end up together." I tell Ashton and he freezes.

"Wait, your brother is gay?" I nod, used to answering this question. "When Stryker, Skylar, Dalton, and I were younger, Dalton had a crush on one of his classmates. That classmate was not female." I tell him and he nods.

"Hello Amanda and Ashton!" Lincoln says walking into my room. Ashton and I both laugh when Lincoln freezes. "He's not glaring at me? Why is he not glaring at me?! Did you tell him the secret that everyone knows." He says laughing and I nod.

"Oh whale, how is setting up your brother and I? He seemed happy to see me." Lincoln says with over confidence making me laugh.

"I haven't gotten the chance to talk to him. When I do, i'll direct him to you." I tell him. "Aww thanks Amanda!" Lincoln says tackling me and Ashton in a hug.

"Anyways, lets work on this project!" Lincoln says happily as we begin to work. At 7:30 both boys leave since we finished our project. I told them I'd bring it to school tomorrow.

At 7:45 my father, brother, and I eat our dinner. "So, how far until your done on the project?" My father asks. "We finished it tonight. I was gonna bring it tomorrow for our history class." I told him and he nodded in approval. "Oh, dad? Can I bring the rest of my friends over tomorrow?" I ask him and he hesitates before nodding.

"Is it still those rambunctious group of boys?" My dad asks, I laugh then nod at his question. "Prepare the ibuprofen." My dad says making me and Dalton burst out laughing.

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