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Life had a way of surprising you no matter how old or experienced you are. Naruto, in his many years roaming the earth always took this to heart which is why he followed the simple belief that 'Fate doesn't control you, it merely guides you on your path'. After being alone so long he just went with what was thrown his way, believing that nothing was chance, every meeting important. This ideology was proved true when he met a young swordsman in training with eyes like a Hawk.

Although seemingly coincidental both believed that fate played a hand, hidden behind strange circumstances.

Dracule Mihawk was never a fool even at a young age, from the moment he gazed upon the blond with a blinding smile and eyes that seemed far to old, ancient almost; he knew that the man held power few could only dream of. If only he could of imagined how right he was in that moment.

It wasn't until 2 years later, at the age of 10, did Mihawk lay eyes upon him once again. But this time the man looked back. Starting what would be called, a very long chain of events.

"Power is but a word we made up; but what determines it. It's supposedly the build up of strength and skill, and although you have yet to reach this type of power; there is a different kind in you so blinding that i saw it the moment i looked into your eyes. Yours is the power of potential, Mihawk. A great deal of it and i intend to awaken it."

Dracule 'Hawk-eyes' Mihawk, looked up at the top of the boats roof, following the sound of that ever familiar voice; eager to see the man he had trained under. The man that held his respect like no other, not Shanks or even Gold. D. Roger. And when his eyes found that familiar aura of warmth yet such colossal power that could not be hidden from his watchful gaze, he almost smiled..... almost.

That Man..... he sat though so calmly and relaxed, as if this was all going along exactly how he meant it to, which was deceiving as Mihawk knew the man to never really plan. But even with this easy going front; he'd managed to position himself in a way were none could see him beside Dracule himself. It was these small acts that cautioned him to remember his sensei and that monstrous power.

"Nani !? Whose there ? A ghost!" That raven haired boy shouted out braking the tension, in fact looking closer he recognized the boy as Shanks' brat.

"I wish, it would mean I had an awesome backstory of how I came to be and my goals of revenge on the man who murdered me. It would be so much more interesting" he said jovially, his light yet rough voice washing over everyone. "Now Mihawk, leave the man be." He voice got edgy, and his command left no room for argument.

Hawkeye stared at the green haired swordsman in a new light, if he'd caught Sensei's attention then this young man must have what he himself once had, potential. He stepped aside, sheathing his sword in response to the command.

Zoro lay there on the ground, his clothes coated in blood and his hair covering his piercing eyes. Ignoring the tremendous pain he focused on the voice; memorizing it. That man..... He had the power to command the worlds greatest swordsman without hesitation. He was not someone the swordsman would soon forget.

"If your not a ghost then why can't i see you!" Luffy shouted out again, his teeth gritted and face turning red as he tried to think about what was happening. " Gah! I give up, its to hard"

In response to Luffys outburst the sound of boisterous laughing filled out the area and Mihawk could just imagine the strange man clutching his stomach and rubbing tears out of his eyes while doing this. Despite his unreadable changes of attitude, he always had responded to certain situations in the same way. Even after all these years it seemed he hadn't changed.

"Watch out Strawhat, it seems your opponent is trying to sneak away" He warned in a still upbeat tone.

"OY!" Luffy shouted at the bruised Don Krieg who'd began to tiptoe towards a pile of weapons, effectivley causing all the fighting to resume. However Mihawk kept his eyes fixed firmly on the roof and his action was rewarded as he saw a figure jump down, his cloak billowing around him standing still for a second before slowly turning his head towards Dracule.

He hadn't aged a day, his skin still young and smooth. The exact replica of the man Mihawk hadn't seen in 20 years. He supposed that the man wasn't called The Eternal Emperor for nothing. And with a swift nod in his direction, his teacher was gone. Dissapearing as if he had never been there.

Wow it's been a while since I updated this one. Not quite sure what to do next, maybe see Shanks or him going back to the grand line. Hmmmmmmmmm who knows. Anyway Hope you enjoy!!! ☺️

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