Hooked up together?! In a tag team Tournament?! part 1.

Start from the beginning

Tara tabbed her fingers at the door frame at her room for the hundredth time. Tara was not sure how many times she had done that, but she was sure it must at least be hundred. She sighed deeply inside. In front of her was Hassleberry standing and was bowing deeply to her.

"Please be my date for this party" he then said in a begging tone and bowed again.

"Why should I?" Tara then said firmly "I am in no mood for a party, and you know I have a boyfriend". Hassleberry looked stunned up at her.

"You do?!" he then questioned "Who? I thought you and Zane broke up?". At that Tara snort a little. She remembered she hadn't told any yet. Only those who were present in the dark world knew. That had been Aster, Dr. Crowler, Jaden and Syrus. That and Zane himself. Tara was not sure, if any of them had told anyone that yet.

"Zane and I are together again" she then told Hassleberry in a firm tone "We ended up together in the dark world before we got back here". At that Hassleberry froze.

"But.. I never seen you two together here my dino queen" he then questioned "You and Jaden never left the red dorm much lately, and with Zane's condition.. I don't believe he has been visiting you either. Are you two really together?". At that Tara tensed a little. It was true that she hadn't seen Zane, since she returned, but she was waiting for the right moment to well see him.

"That is so not true Tara" Haou then suddenly replied inside her head "You are afraid of how your boyfriend would react to the truth".

"Haou, stay out of this!" Tara sneered firmly back at him "This doesn't concern you!". The king snort firmly back at her.

"Oh yes it does Tara" He replied firmly "We are one. The boy has a valued point here". Tara sneered once again inside, wishing he would mind his own business.

"Why?" Haou then said "You, as my wessel need love too. Yubel is agreeing". Tara sneered and cut out the king from her thoughts. She was not sure how long that would hold though. Haou could be just as persistent as she was sometimes.

"Even if I am with Zane or not. I am not going as your date to that party" Tara then said firmly to Hassleberry "I refuse to dance with you or anything of that sort. Partying is really not my thing, Goodbye". She was about to close the door now.

"But, but my dino queen, it is not that kind of party" Hassleberry then quickly yelled "It is a duel party. I was thinking a tag team tournament. A girl and boy pairs up. I was thinking you and me, and the sarge and Alexis maybe? I know how fond he is of her". Tara stopped up. The last event with Alexis and her brother entered her mind now. The highfive Alexis had given him. Tara knew Jaden was down because of it.

"Please think of it my dino queen" Hassleberry then said and gave her an invitation "The party is a week from now. If you don't wanna go with me, that is okay, but at least attend. It makes good graduation memories". Tara snort a little.

"I will think about it" she then said and closed the door between them.

"Oh a duel party. Interesting" She could hear Haou then say once again.

"Haou, Shut up!" Tara yelled instead.   

Alexis's p.o.v.  

"A duel party?" Alexis then questioned and looked at the invite in her hand. She was standing outside at the main gate together with her two friends Mindy and Jasmine. Hassleberry had just handed out the invitations.

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