Chapter 9.1 - His POV

Start from the beginning

"Why do you care? It's not like you have any right to judge me who I have my eyes on." I turn to exit, unlocking the door. I needed a big finish- and I didn't though of a better one than this.

"And if it is her, she's more of a woman you will ever be."

Her face turned cherry red, her mouth opened just a bit, revealing her bright white teeth. On that moment I knew I put a target sign on Juliet's back, but it was to late for changing my answer.

"I'm going to kill that bitch! You are mine, no one and I mean no one will get you." Her angry expression made my inside sunk.

Possessive much?

As soon I leave the bedroom I bump into someone. And like luck would happen, Juliet is hanging on to be.

"What the...?" She tries to steady herself by gripping the edges of my open leather jacket.

'Bad timing, baby!' I think to myself; knowing Tiffany would follow me any second now, trying to convince me not to break up with her.

"Run!" I tell Juliet as I grab her by her wrist and pull her toward the stairs.

She would be the first one in Tiffany's aim of fire when she saw her.

"Run!" I yank Juliet, trying to get her safe from my ex's sharp nails, that girl would use these as her main resource of fighting equipment. She turns, and Tiffany comes throw the door like a wild animal, her eyes flaming with fire.

"You dirty bitch!" She yells and Juliet doesn't stop to ask any questions. She runs down the stairs and I follow her immediately. There isn't a soul inside the house and I thank god for that. I stop mid track for a second and look outside where a beer pong game tournament is held. Everyone are gathered around a table, Parker and Kyle battling against each other.


Tiffany's screams on the top of the stairs and I bolt down toward the kitchen, finding Juliet standing her back toward me. Since my arrival, the driveway was packed with cars and I had no way to leave. I know I was a coward, not facing the furious blond, but protecting the girl I lied about liking was my first priority.

In a matter of seconds, I crab her by her waist and lock us into the maintenance closet in the kitchen. The sound of heels clicking on the tiled floor and I know Tiffany was just behind the door. When I feel Juliet stiffen under my touch, I cover her mouth with my hand and whisper.


Her back was now pressed against me and her short hair touched my neck. The way she smelled, drove me almost insane. Mixture of strawberries and her perfume was the best combination, to my very best liking. I feel her lips moving against my fingers as she tries to say something.

"Shh!" I quietly tell her, breathing down on her neck. It was pitch blank inside the room and my senses heightened as our bodies were pressed together. "I think she's gone. But better stay here for a moment or two, so we can be absolutely clear that we're safe!" I listen closely for the noises outside and remove my hand from her face.

"You don't have to stand so close to me!" She whispers, and reaches for her phone. A stream of light brightens the enviroment around us and I can clearly see her. She scans the room with her eyes, but makes no contact with my gaze.

"What was all this about?" I asks and leans against the door behind her.

"She's angry about something I did!" I reply. I had just broken up with the girl I had dated since junior year. And I had lied about the reason. Juliet wasn't the girl I had broken Tiffany's ice cold heart. I don't think that even fractured.

She turns, ready to unlock the door and step into the jungle where a angry female was looking for her. "I don't have to be here, so..." I pull her backwards, my hand around her stomach.

"I strongly advise you not to go in there right now." I whisper into her right ear, the smell of her shampoo fills my nostrils.

" When she's pissed, you will be the first one she will dig her nails into!" She looks confused.

"You are very mistaken. She's your problem, not mine. So excuse me but I'll go." Did this girl have a death wish? I block the entrance by changing places with her. "It was just a pure accident that I bumped into you upstairs, but Tiffany might think otherwise." Might? She though otherwise, I had given her the reason to. " I told her I met someone else. She got pissed." The expression on her face changes from confused to sad. She blinks her eyes as I had said something she couldn't belive.

Since I couldn't hear any voices anymore, I slowly unlocked the door and looked outside. People had gathered in the livingroom and Tiffany was talking to one of her snobby girlfriends. She had a glass of wine in her hand and she was taking sips from it as she continued to plead about our fight.

"She's in the livingroom!" I close the door. We needed to wait just a moment before slipping out from the back door.

'Coward!' I mentally kicked myself in the ass.

"We can't sit here very much longer," she leans against the shelf behind her.

"People are going to look for us!" By people she meant her brother.

"That brother of yours, he is a bit of work. Can that guy be more selfish?" I wrap my hands across my chest.

"What do you mean? My brother is one of the nicest guys in here!"

"Hey, he drags you in here. A party you don't like. You don't drink, chase guys. Why would he bring you here ah?" I lean in a little bit, almost making direct contact with her.

"I wanted to come, he didn't made me." Her facial feathures harden.

"Don't lie to me, Juliet. You haven't been on any of the Crazy Monkey parties, why would you dress up like this- revealing and almost hot? He knew about something that was going to happen tonight, didn't he?" The outfit she wore drove me nuts, but I couldn't keep stairing at her, without getting annoyed her protecting her brother.

"The way I dress doesn't concern you or anyone else. I think I am the only girl here who has enough clothes on. And stop insulting my brother!" She crosses her arms on her chest, just under her breasts. I tear my gaze away.

" Matt told him, didn't he? I asked him a spare room upstairs for talking to Tiffany, and he came running to Jason about it."

"What are talking about?" She's raising her voice at me and I don't like it.

" You like me, don't you? I can see it in your eyes!" I smirk and decide to play 'arrogant bastard' at her.

She shakes her head. "No!"

"Don't lie to me Juliet. I know you do. Everyone does."

There was few months till end of school and since Juliet was going to be Tiffany's first choice of bullying these becoming weeks, there was only one way I could protect her. The girl in front of me had a crush on me. I knew it and so did Tiffany. Not sure about everybody else in the school , though. Tiffany would cut her some slack if she knew Juliet had no intension to make me fall in love with her. I may be arrogant, self-loving bastard, but I wasn't a monster. Since girls felt hard to fall for me, I had to make her hate me. It was the only chance I could get and the perfect timing. I had pulled her into it. And I had to get her out of it.

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