This Is Me Or Was Me

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Evelyn's POV

As soon as I woke up, the alcohol got to me. I got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up.

"Karma's a bitch isn't it?" A man said. To be honest I was kinda scared to know that I was in some strangers house. He walked over to me and held my hair as I threw up some more.

It took about ten minutes to stop throwing up. I wasn't hangover anymore. The man helped me walk to the bed I was sleeping in and sat down on the end of it. But as soon as I sat down, three men walked in and sat on the couch in front of me.

"We need to ask you some questions." The bald one said. Well he wasn't that bald.

"Why? Who are you guys?" The one that helped me looked at me.

"I'm Adam. That's Barry, Brad, and Neil." He pointed to each guy as he said their names.

"What the fuck? What year am I in?" I thought to myself.

"Now, what's your name?" Barry asked pointing at me.

"I'm, Ev, Evelyn." I think that's my name.

"How old are you even?" Neil upright just asked that.

"I. Don't. Know." I stare blankly at them. "What year is this?"

"Its 2010" Brad seemed confused. In fact all of them did.

2010? 15 years ago I was 15. Which means I'm 31. No. This cant be 2010. I got up and looked out the window at my hometown. It was bigger then the last time I saw it.

"Uh, Evelyn? What, why did you ask that question?" Adam asked. I still look out the window.

"I don't know where I am. Or who I am anymore." I still look out the window at what I knew was Toronto.

"Oh Adam you made a mistake. This bitch is crazy." Neil got up and patted Adam on the back. "Nice work man."

I turned around quick and looked at them. "No I'm not. Listen to me. I'm not from here."

"What the FUCK are you talking about!" Neil came over and looked me in the eyes. I shoved him out the way and went to the bathroom. I looked at my self in the mirror. I looked 25. The guys all got up and stood behind me.

"I look like I'm in my twenties." I pulled my eye lids down and let go. Everything about me looks so different.

"What? Your are twenty are you?" Barry asked me. I turned around and looked at them.

"No. I'm 31. Or at least I think I am." I turned to leave but I felt a hand on my wrist.

"Eve, what ever it is you can tell us." It was Adam. He let go and we all went back into the room so I can explain.

"I don't know what happened. It was just yesterday I went to the theater to watch the first toystory movie and then we went home." They all looked confused.

"That movie came out years ago." Brad noted.

I looked over to Brad who was concerned and then Neil who was leaning against the wall looking all cute. "It was 15 years ago."

"Then what happened?" Barry asked me.

"But I woke up in a hospital screaming. I, I'm just scared I don't know what's going on." I look down at the ground as tears begin to slip out my eyes.

"Look whatever it is we'll help you." Adam sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "I know how you feel, I've been through it to. We can help you understand the world today."

"Woooooo Adam!" Neil cooed.

I didn't care though. I don't care for anything. I've lost everything, my boyfriend Eithan Wilkins, all my friends, and my loving brother. There's nothing to live for anymore. "Whatever it is we'll help you" It ran through my head a million times over and over. More tears ran down my cheeks.

I looked at Barry who looked concerned about me, Brad who looked clueless to what's going on, Neil who looked confused on to how I'm here, and then Adam. His blueish green eyes full of sorrow and something different. He was missing no shut upMore tears fell.

"Eve its OK we can help you no matter what." He said once more.

"No its not! Its never going to be alright! Your never going to help me!" I got up and ran as fast as I can. Down the stairs out the front door and down the street Turing here and there. "Eve! Wait!" I heard them call after me. I kept running as fast as I can. Till they never caught up to me or they never saw where I was going.

I sat in an alleyway and blacked out.



Hey guys. I hope you like this book. Not sure on to where its going yet but I hope its going good. So please let me know.

"You won't be scared or lonely." ~Adam Gontier


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