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Grace and Rachel weren't talking. Eddie wanted to keep the girls together so he was trying his best to get Rachel to see sense.
"Who's baby is it?" Shannon asked. Grace rolled over to face Shannon.
"Just someone in school," Grace told her. Shannon turned pale. "Shan?"
"I'm going to be sick," Shannon mumbled. She ran for the bathroom. Grace ran after her.

Shannon threw up in the bathroom. Grace held her hair back and rubbed her back gently.
"I hate this," Shannon mumbled. Grace helped her clean up.
"Everyone hates throwing up. Is there something you're not telling me?" Grace asked.
Shannon looked at her. "Like?"
"Are you seeing someone who you're having sex with?"

Shannon fell silent. She knew she couldn't say.
Grace smiled sympathetically. She got her a pregnancy test from her room that she bought.
"Take it," Grace said. Shannon shook her head.
"If I take it, it becomes real," Shannon mumbled. Grace could tell she was scared.
"I'll be with you."

Shannon reluctantly took it. She flushed the toilet and sat the test on the edge of the sink. She called Grace in as she washed her hands.
"It's going to be okay," Grace told Shannon. Shannon smiled and hugged Grace once she washed her hands.

They waited five minutes and Shannon picked up the test. She paled.
"I'm pregnant," Shannon mumbled. She began to cry. Grace held her tightly.
"We'll do this together. I promise you."

Shannon and Grace eventually went to school. Shannon sighed.
"I need to tell the baby daddy," Shannon said.
"Want me to come too?" Grace asked. Shannon smiled.
"No. It's okay."

Shannon went to the staffroom. She knocked the door. Grantly opened it.
"And of what do I owe the pleasure?" he mumbled.
Shannon smiled. "Can we have a word with Mr Clarkson?"
Grantly slammed the door. Shannon was about to walk away when Tom opened the door.
"Can we talk?" Shannon asked. Tom nodded and they walked to his classroom.

They went inside and Tom closed the door over tight.
"What's wrong?" Tom asked. He took her hands. Shannon pulled them away.
"I'm pregnant. It's yours."

Grace went into English when the bell rang. Shannon was already there.
"Everything okay?" Grace asked.
"Yeah. I just needed help before class," Shannon lied. She couldn't believe she had done this on her sister.
"Ugh, I need help. I hate English," Grace said. Shannon smiled slightly.

When class was over, Shannon and Grace both had a free period.
"Can we go to the office a minute?" Shannon mumbled.
"Sure. Why?" Grace asked. Shannon didn't reply. Grace noticed Tom following them to the office.
"What's happening?" Grace asked. She was getting scared.

Shannon opened the door to the office. Eddie and Rachel looked up.
"What's wrong?" Rachel asked. Shannon closed the door when everyone was inside.
"I'm pregnant," Shannon said. Grace gripped Shannon's hand. Rachel and Eddie were mad. It was obvious from the balling of fists and the pulsing vein in their temple.
"What?" Rachel yelled.
"So what? I'm pregnant too! Gonna kick us both out?" Grace spat. Rachel fell silent. "Yeah, didn't think so."

Shannon took a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant with Tom."
Shannon felt Grace's grasp loosen and let go of her hand. In that moment, the sisterly bond between the two girls was broken.

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