7 Years Later

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*Note that this is a special chapter requested by xcarisx ! Please enjoy!

Proof read by Dublagirl

Chance's POV
"Vina! What is this?" I called my 6 and a half year daughter while I noticed a sheet of paper on the kitchen table.

"Oh! My teacher says give that to mommy or daddy!" A young, cheerful voice rang through the house and I heard loud footsteps echo through the hallways before Vina came to sight.

She was wearing 2 twin pigtails and a heavy coat along with a scarf since it is currently winter and Levi just picked her up from school.

  She was wearing 2 twin pigtails and a heavy coat along with a scarf since it is currently winter and Levi just picked her up from school

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"Bring your parent to school day?" I murmured to myself as my eyes scanned the sheet.

"That would be so fun mommy! You and daddy should both come!" Vina pleaded.

"Hmm... next Thursday? I'm sure me and daddy can make time sweetheart." I smiled at my adorable child.

"Yay! Thanks mommy!" She skipped off to her room.

"You agreed so easily." Levi sighs as he walks in the kitchen.

"How can you say no to that face?" I asked stubbornly.

"Alright alright, I'll come okay?" He rolls his eyes but wraps his arms around my stomach from behind.

"What do you think bring your parent to school day is like?" I asked.

"Precisely what it sounds like." Levi answers.

"You just come with your kid to school, nothing special." He shrugs.

"Well I wouldn't know! I never had that when I was a child!" I protested.

"Yeah, me too." He agreed.

"But to be honest, I strongly dislike kids, except our own that is." He continues.

"You can't say that!" I scolded.

"You better not mess up this day for your daughter Levi..." I warned.

"Yeah yeah..." he let go of me and yawned.

"Man being a surgeon is more stressful than killing titans." He complained.

  "Well, either way you're cutting human flesh so why think about it?" I scoffed.

  "I'd like to think I was cutting brain dead zombies's flesh before." He corrects.

  "I mean after witnessing Leo's mother-" I got cut off.

  "Shhh don't mention that." He closed his eyes.

My Chance [Levi Ackerman X OC] Where stories live. Discover now