Chapter 17: A Plan to Save Leo

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Raph and Jamie walked back into the lair, not knowing what to tell the others. They made it to the entrance of the dojo where Raph stopped themselves.

"Hey, I'm going to talk to Splinter. You tell the others," he requested.

"Okay," she nodded, kissed his cheek, then went back to tell the others.

Raph went inside the dojo, still angry about what happened, so he punched the wall. Splinter was meditating until Raph knocked over some training equipment.

"Raphael. What is the matter?" he asked.

"I was out. I was out and I did- I did something. Something happened
and then I- And I..." he tried to explain but pushed some barbells down as one rolled to Splinter's feet.

"Raphael. Kneel," Splinter said.

Raph sighed and obeyed as he replied, "I did something- I did something really stupid, Master Splinter."

"Go on," Splinter encouraged.

"I know why you chose him now. I know that there's a reason why he's the better son and I'm not," Raph continued.

"Raphael, you always bear the world's problems on your shoulders. It is an admirable quality when you are a protector of others. But you must realize that while, at times, you may not be my favorite student, it does not mean that you are my least-favorite son. You are strong, passionate, and loyal to a fault. These are the merits of a great leader as well, but only when tempered with compassion and humility," Splinter explained.

"But, Master Splinter, I messed up big tonight. I mean big," Raph confessed.

He reached behind him and pulled out Leo's broken katanas.

"They took him," Raph finished.

What they didn't know was that Mikey was in the entrance, listening to what happened. He silently gasped at what Raph said.

"Leonardo," Splinter said.

"Yeah," Raph nodded.

Splinter breathed deeply and announced, "Then the time for hiding is over. We must return to the surface to take back what is ours."

Raph almost couldn't believe he was hearing this, but he nodded, saying, "By your wish, Father."


Everyone else was in the living room doing their own thing. Jamie walked up to everyone, not knowing what to say.

"Jamie!" Skylar shouted happily and ran to hug her.

Everyone looked at her and saw she wore a sad smile.

"Jamie, what's wrong?" April asked.

Jamie looked around and replied, "Where's Mikey?"

"He followed Raph into the dojo. Why?" Donnie answered.

"He'll hear this then, but um," she started, inhaled, then said, "Leo's been captured by the Foot and those statues April got for that Winters guy."

"What? What happened?" Casey asked.

Jamie was about to explain until Raph came in with Mikey and Splinter behind him.

"It was my fault. First, I should tell you guys that I am the Night Watcher. Was. He found me and he chased me until we fought and when he found out, he didn't really take it that well. We fought and I won. But I was shocked at what I did and I ran. Jamie was there to help me through it, then we were going to get him, but we heard a scream and saw one of the statues carry him away. It's all my fault, guys," Raph explained.

Jamie hugged him which he returned. Casey stepped up to them.

"Raph, you made a mistake. Everyone makes them everyday. We're not perfect. Yeah, the fight wasn't necessary, but it made you realize that you may not be able to stand Leo at times, but you'd still want him here," he said.

"Thanks man," Raph smiled and they fist bumped.

"I didn't know you had that in you, Jones. Nice," Jamie commented, everyone chuckled, and she and Casey fist bumped.

"Long have we been in hiding. Perhaps too long," Splinter said.

"Well, what do we do now?" Mikey asked.

"I'll tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna rescue our brother, and then we're gonna save New York City," Raph answered, determined.

They all nodded and got ready for battle.


A/N Raph made things right with his family and it's time to rescue Leo and stop what could happen at Winters Corp. Booyakasha! (I know it's a TMNT 2012 series, but I thought, 'Why not.' Lol!)

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