Chapter 13: A 3,000 Year Old Legend

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The other turtles, Splinter, and Skylar were enjoying some pizza for dinner, unaware of what happened to Casey, Raph, and Jamie.

"Mmm. My compliments to the chef. Le-" Mikey said then let out a long burp, disgusting everyone except Skylar, who clapped and giggled.

She and Mikey high-fived/threed then he asked, "Anyone for dessert?"

"No," Donnie and Leo replied.

"Yes," Splinter and Skylar answered.

Then the phone rang and Donnie answered it.

"Cowabunga Carl Party Services. Cowabunga, dude," he replied.

"Raph's hurt. You need to get over here right away," April said, really fast.

"Whoa, slow down, April. What happened to Raph?" Donnie asked.

"I don't know. He's unconscious. And Jamie's hurt too. She asked for you guys to bring Skylar," April explained.

Donnie sighed and answered, "We'll be right there."

A few minutes later, they arrived on the fire escape and came through the window. Casey was sitting in a chair backwards, Jamie had a huge bandage wrapped around her left arm and held Raph's hand, and April placed a hand on Raph's shell. When she looked up to see the guys and Skylar, she noticed Leo was with them.

"Leo. You came back," she smiled.

"Leo," Casey greeted.

"Sorry the reunion isn't under better circumstances," he said.

Skylar saw Jamie and immediately ran over to and hugged her. Jamie winced a little, making Skylar back up a little.

"Jamie! You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm not left handed anyway," Jamie answered, then both of them chuckled.

"Whoa. Nice pad, kids. Oh, hey, Raph," Mikey said.

Donnie kneeled down and rested his finger on Raph's neck.

"Well, his vital signs seem to be okay. Pupil dilation is normal," he replied, looking in his eye.

That's when they noticed the object in Raph's shell.

"Whoa," he responded.

"Whoa," Mikey and Leo added when they noticed.

Donnie, using some forceps, got it out of Raph's shell and examined it.

"Some sort of stone. Probably obsidian, I think. But I can't tell since it's in half," he explained.

"Well, is he gonna be all right?" Leo asked, checking on Raph.

That's when Raph was waking up, grumbling as he smacked Leo's hand, "You're still here? Go back to your jungle."

"Well, at least his personality's still intact," Leo smirked.

"Hey Don, this one is whole. Maybe you can get something from it," Jamie said, grabbing the star and giving it to Don.

"Thanks, Jamie. There's an engraving on it. Looks South American. That's your department, April," Donnie thanked then responded.

April got up and looked at it carefully.

Casey leaned forward, holding the tranquilizer dart, and asked, "Would it help if I told you that those statues you collected for that Winters guy were shooting these things at me, Jamie, and Raph?"

"'The legend of Yoatl.' It can't be. It was just a myth, a scary story the locals told kids around a campfire," April mumbled then said.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Leo asked.

April stood up, holding the star and explained, "They say 3,000 years ago, some great warrior actually found a portal to another dimension. And when the portal opened, the energy from it gave the warrior eternal life. But it also turned his generals to stone. What if this warrior just kept living forever? He would spend the rest of his days in regret, spending all of his riches and all of his power to find a way to revive his stone generals. Maybe, just maybe, he's built a new empire. But, hey, like I said, it's just a myth."

"Well, after what we saw, it looks like more than 'just a myth,'" Jamie remarked, sitting by Raph and bandaging his arm where he got shot.

"You make a good point, J, but how are we going to stop them?" Skylar asked.

"I don't know, but we'll figure something out," Leo answered.

"If you ask me, guys, this has Winters' name written all over it," Donnie said, examining the dart.

"How do you figure that, Donnie?" Leo wondered.

"Yeah," Mikey and Casey added.

"Because this has Winters' name written all over it," Donnie repeated, meaning it was literally written on it.

"Now I know who to thank for the shot in the arm. So where do we find this guy and his stone jokers?" Raph wondered, holding his arm after Jamie finished patching it up.

"We're not going anywhere until we get Splinter's blessing," Leo said sternly.

"You're gonna stand there and quote a rulebook to me that you ain't been following for a year?" Raph demanded, standing up.

"Look Raph, if you got something you wanna get off your shell, now's the time. But I'm not gonna stand here and debate Splinter's direct orders with you," Leo argued.

Raph just stood there, glaring at Leo. He had had it with him. He tried to give it time like Jamie suggested, but this was the last straw for him.

"Fine, then. I quit," Raph said then walked to the window and was ready to leave.

"Hey, Raph. Don't do it, man. Sometimes just taking a breather is the best thing to do," Casey explained.

Raph sighed and muttered, "Whatever."

He walked out and headed up the fire escape. Jamie sighed, knowing what Raph was feeling, and felt she needed to talk to him. Plus, Skylar knew about what happened that night when the turtles fought the yeti (Jamie and her passed a note during April's story).

"I'll go after him," she volunteered.

"Jamie, you don't need to. He just needs time alone to think things through," Leo declined.

"Look Leo, Jamie told me about what happened that night with the monster. She even talked to him and he calmed down," Skylar pointed out.

"Yeah. With any of us, he wouldn't have calmed down as quick," Mikey added.

"Plus, I might as well tell you guys. I have feelings for Raph. I've had them for a while. He makes me feel like I can be more than whatever I thought I could be. It's been hard when it was just Skylar and me and when he offered for us to stay with you guys, I was thinking 'Wow, this guy is so sweet, but there's more to him.' And I was right. He and I have grown closer since we met and as you all know he's snapped at you almost every time. I need to be the one to go," Jamie explained.

Everyone just looked at her in shock and surprise.

Leo sighed and said, "You make a good point. But if you're not back before another possible monster sighting tonight, I'm coming after both of you," Leo said.

She nodded and headed out the window to look for Raph.


A/N Jamie confessed? Holy crap! And will she be able to help Raph through this? Plus, will she confess to him about her feelings?

TMNT 2007: NightWatching Love (Raph X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now