Chapter 16: Brothers Put to the Test

Start from the beginning

"Hey, I was training! Training to be a better leader, for you! Why do you hate me for that?" Leo wondered, angrily.

"And whoever said I wanted to be led? I'm better off calling my own shots now! Get used to it!" Raph said, really heated.

"You aren't ready! You're impatient and hot-tempered. And more importantly, I'm better than you," Leo commented.

Raph just laughed then responded, "Oh, you know something, big brother? I'd have to disagree with you on that one."

He got his sais out and faced his brother in a defensive position.

"Don't do this, Raph," Leo replied calmly.

"I'm done taking orders," Raph remarked dangerously.

Knowing Raph wasn't up for talking anymore, Leo got his katanas out. They charged and began fighting. Jamie finally made it to the roof next to the one Raph and Leo were fighting on. When she saw the scene before her, she was about to cry. She cupped her mouth shut as she got on her knees.

"Oh Raph, why?" she said to herself.

They locked weapons and a few seconds later, Raph was able to break the katanas and kick Leo to the ground. He had won.

"No," Jamie said as she got closer to them.

The brothers just glared at each other until Raph realized what he had done. He slowly backed away, letting Leo get up, a little hurt. Raph couldn't bring himself to say anything. Then when he noticed Jamie, he started crying and ran off.

"Raph, wait!" she called but he kept going, then she ran up to Leo, and asked, "Leo, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Go after him. I'll catch up," he told her.

"Are you sure?" she said.

"Yeah, just hurry," he responded.

She nodded and ran to find Raph. She found him on the edge of a roof on his knees, crying. She went around him and cupped his face.

"Oh, baby," she said, about to cry herself.

"How much did you see?" he asked.

"When y'all fought after he found out," she answered.

"You must hate me. I bet you and your sister would never do things like this," he replied, still crying.

"I don't hate you. I could never hate you. And you'd be surprised at the level of fighting Skylar and I have been at," she answered.

He chuckled lightly and they both stood up, then hugged.

"By the way, when I told you that I liked you, there's more to it," she admitted.

He broke the hug and looked at her, confused.

"What is it?" he asked.

She inhaled and confessed, "I actually love you."

After a minute of being surprised, he said, "I love you too."

Meanwhile, Leo was just about to leave when he felt something enter his arm. He looked to see a tranquilizer dart. He saw the Foot and the stone generals surrounding him. He tried to escape, but Aguila slapped him to the side. Leo struggled to get back up as the drug was taking effect.

"Not human, but clearly not the final monster," Gato remarked.

"Yoatl won't know the difference. By the time our brother discovers this turtle is not the 13th monster, it will already be too late," Aguila replied dangerously.

The Foot aimed their dart guns at Leo and fired, making him scream. Jamie and Raph were on their way to get him since he didn't show up until they heard his scream.

"Leo," they said in unison.

They ran to the rooftop to see Leo's unconscious form being carried along with the little monster they fought earlier away. Raph and Jamie tried to catch up as they loaded them into the truck.

"Leo! Hang on!" Raph yelled.

"Leo!" Jamie shouted.

"Leo!" Raph hollered again.

They made it to the alley but the truck got faster until it was out of sight.

"No!" Raph shouted as he got on his knees and jammed his sai into the concrete.

Jamie cried as she held Raph, who did the same to her. They knew they had to tell the others, but it wasn't going to be easy.


A/N Leo and Raph fought; it was intense. And Jamie witnessed it, but she wasn't mad at Raph. Plus, Leo got captured. How will they get him back?

TMNT 2007: NightWatching Love (Raph X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now