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"You stupid piece of shit!" The glass was heard shattering throughout the entire house. Yoongi stayed silent as he stumbled onto the wall behind him, his left hand landing onto the shards of the broken beer bottle. He stared at his drunken father apathetically, ignoring his busted lip and the bruises already forming on his face and body. As his father continued shouting profanity and nonsense he began to stand up, supporting himself against the wall and smearing it with blood from his hand. He felt a hand wrap around his throat, pinning his head to the wall harshly, knocking down and breaking the picture frame next to him. He was shaken back and forth by the throat yet, his focus remained on the photograph of his mother that was becoming stained by the beer on the floor. The blonde grabbed a hold of his father's hand, taking it off of him before pushing him away with all he had before grabbing the photo. He dashed through the messy hallways, stumbling up the stairs as he made it to his room. Yoongi locked the door, waiting a few moments to hear his father's heavy steps coming up the stairs before he ran to his window. Climbing out, he shut it once more before landing on the ground outside.

He continued running, not bothering to look back. He felt his heart pounding hard against his chest, hearing it loudly in his ears as he ignored everything else that went on. The stares, the honking cars he passed in front of, he was used to it. He was no longer stopped by any of the few people in his neighborhood since they now didn't care. His problems didn't matter to them. He stumbled onto a familiar porch, his knees slightly scraping against the white concrete. The sound of a barking dog became louder as he saw light emitting from the inside of the house.

"Yoongi..." A tender voice reached his ears, calming his racing heart. The warmth on his arm that tugged him towards the door, accompanied by the small corgi that circled him was pleasant. Being escorted into that house was blissful; an endearing mother that held his face with a look of worry as she ran a hand through his hair, a father who spoke to him words of care and rubbed his back for comfort, and a girl who led him up the stairs and towards the bathroom after handing him a new change of clothes. This place was his sanctuary, his haven almost.

He ignored the pain in his hand, seeing as it lessened now that the glass shards were taken out. Yoongi discarded of the bloodied shirt he wore, letting it drop to the marble floor before his dirtied and ripped jeans followed suit. He stepped into the hot shower, feeling most of the tension that had built up earlier in his shoulders melt away. He could see the blood and sweat from his hand and knees stream down his body into the drain with the exception of his tears. It had been so long; it had been this way for so long that he no longer cried like he used to. He couldn't. His tears were all dried up.

He lathered his body with the soap, hoping to get rid of that vile odor. His home reeked of alcohol, that stench lingering in his clothes most of the time, imprinting itself onto the fabric and reminding him of what he would have to return to. He frantically rubbed the soap against the skin on his neck, desperately wishing for the stench to go away; to disappear. He wanted to be cleansed, purified and freed from it. He wanted it to be gone. That repulsive feeling of having come in contact with that man; having only been tainted further. His hands stopped once he felt that his skin became raw. He washed his hair, calming himself down once more.

After washing up, he turned the knob, the water turning off with a squeak of the handle. He stepped out, grabbing a towel to dry himself as he caught sight of the bruising all over his body, along with the redness on his neck in the large, foggy mirror. He slipped on the shirt he was given, as well as the rest of his clothes. He tossed the dirty clothes into the hamper before leaving. Placing the towel around his shoulders, he continued drying off his hair while opening the door being instantly greeted by the puppy he had seen many times in the past few weeks. It jumped around him, barking playfully before running ahead of him, stopping at the open door that led to another bedroom. Yoongi saw a shadow getting closer to the door, a small face emerging from the brightly lit room. "Come on, you should eat something."

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