Chapter 3

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Anthony's P.O.V~

"Hey are you not cold? It's the middle of winter and you aren't wearing a shirt." Smith said looking at me quizzically. Ross is driving, Trott was sitting in the passenger's seat but is now spun around leaning over the back of the chair to chat to me and Smith, I was behind Trott and Smith was behind Ross. I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly "Maybe?" I asked, they chuckled and Smith took off the hoodie he was wearing and gave it to me. I stuck it on and the cloth drowned me but it was really warm so I thanked him.
"No problem. So, Anthony all we know is what was on your records but we don't really know you." he responded "Care to elaborate?" Trott added, I chuckled "Well, I grew up in Bolton up north with my older brother and parents. I don't remember much from then but all I do remember is that I was sent to the orphanage in Bristol 'cause that was the nearest orphanage that had room for me, I was bullied by the girls you met: Lucy, Jessica and Lindsay. I spent most of my time watching YouTube, listening to music, playing my guitar and doodling. I then became old enough to work so then I spent most of my time working at a little café down the road, that's when I met you guys. Pretty boring to be honest. Oh yeah, my sister was born when I was six and she was dumped here as a baby. I've taken care of her until she was adopted four years ago and I've visited her in my lunch breaks, she seemed happy enough. I used to share my bed with her so she helped me cope with bitch-face Lucy without even realising it, I think that's about it." I finished, the lads had sat quietly listening the entire time. Trott was the first to speak "By the sounds of it you've had a pretty shit time." "Yeah, but I'm more than grateful for everything Joey does, most don't realise it but he works tirelessly for us and I respect him for that." I smiled, Trott grinned knowingly. I just decided to ignore it.

"So, do you mind us calling you Ant?" Smith asked, I shook my head "Cool, so Ant the idea we have is that you're gonna stay with me 'cause I have a spare room and tomorrow we can take you to the office, sound good?" Ross asked whilst looking at me in the rear view mirror, I yawned before saying "Yeah, sounds good." Trott spun back around in the seat looking out the window at the stars, Smith smirked and poked me "Someone's a bit tired aren't they?" I yawned before laughing, that just proved his point "So what if I am, it is like what? 1 am?" he checked his phone "1:03 am." he confirmed, I saw him cast a glance at my arm "Are you sure your arm is ok? We've kinda glossed over that, what happened?" I sighed "Well my guitar is very special to me, it was a Christmas present from Joey but he had saved up the previous four Christmases so when everyone else got a small present I got this massive present. Lucy was pissed but I honestly couldn't give a crap, anyway I was later taken to my first concert - an Area 11 one - and got VIP tickets to go backstage and the whole band signed it. Lucy was gonna smash it with a knife when I walked in so I shoved it out of the way and ended up taking the hit in its' place, it hurts like a bitch." I said rubbing my arm, Smith unclipped my belt and picked me up sitting me in his lap. I looked at him questioningly "You need to rest and I doubt being thrown about by Ross' shit driving will help." he joked "Hey!" Ross retorted, Smith wrapped his left arm around my waist and his right hand was stroking my head. This action was slowly lulling me into a deep sleep and I felt my body grow heavy, I cracked my eyes open to see the car empty and I was being picked up by Ross. He took me into the house and put me down on a bed and I heard the ruffling of clothes before the bed dipped next to me.
"Hey urm, I haven't got a bed in the spare room so you can take mine and I'll sleep on the couch for now." Ugh but he was warm and I wasn't, I reached my arm out and grabbed his arm "Stay." I whispered "Oh, uh, erm okay?" he said before I heard the flick of the light and he climbed under the covers, I clung onto him like a monkey since he was so warm.

Time skip

The next day I woke up still in Ross' arms and still in Smith's hoodie, my arm was aching so much. I decided that I needed to get up to sort out my arm and get a shower but at the moment I was trapped by Ross and I couldn't escape, I nudged his face "Ross? You need to wake up." I whispered, he just clung on tighter. This time I shook him, hard "Ross. I need to get up." I whisper-shouted sharply, he blinked open his eyes looking at me in a tired daze. "My arm is killing me and I need a shower now come on, help me out here." I explained, he nodded and sluggishly rose from bed rubbing his eyes "Majestic, I can hear the fangirls screaming from here." I remarked flatly, he just glared at me before chuckling.

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