"Gee thanks" Ariana sarcastically rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean. Now as Niall said— go and get your sexy ass man and save everybody. Like the hero you are to us"

A genuine smile was splattered on her face. Tears stung the corner of her eyes. A bile formed in her throat, trying her best to hold out the small bit of emotions from escaping.

"Thank you. You always know what to say"

"Always Ari. You know I'm always here  for you. Don't be a stranger, stranger"

"Never" Ariana smirked. "And tell Niall to not walk around naked anymore. He's a little old for that" she said in amusement. In the background Niall let out a loud laugh along with several other boys and a 'you're just mad cause you can't see me naked right now'.

"I'll see you soon Alpha"

With an abrupt click the call ended. Ariana pulled her iPhone away from her face reading the name that just called her.

"See you soon too, Jackson"


"Stiles, I've been calling you and you're not answering my phone calls. I know I ran and I-I left you at a bad time but I need you to answer me. Okay? Today is the supermoon, I'm on fucking edge right now, and I swear to god if you don't answer my phone call I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth!"

Seconds later Ariana found herself calling him again going straight to his voicemail.

"Heyyy Stiles. Do me a favor and don't listen to that last voicemail. I admit, it was mean. But seriously, today is one of those days where you cannot ignore my calls. With the supermoon today, I have a feeling something bad is going to happen today. And I'm not going to be able to stop it alone. Okay I need you"

She hung up the phone.

Her tires squealed as she made a hard right. Scrolling through her phone searching for Scott's name. Even though he hates me right now, I have to make sure he's okay, she thought to herself. Finding his contact name, she pressed on the message symbol to send him a text.

Looking up from her phone, her eyes settled upon a figure in the middle of road staring directly at her.

The vehicle came to a slow stop stopping about 20 feet away from the figure. With pale hands gripping the steering wheel, heart beating twice as fast, and sweat forming on her forehead. Ariana's eyes stared directly into the guys eyes who also had a cocky smirk.

Clenched jaw and all, Ariana pushed away her fear and stepped out of her comfort zone. Her black strap heels clicked against the concrete road as she made her way to stand in front of her vehicle.

"Long time no see, love" he stated like it was normal. "I see you've survived the deadpool"

"How the hell are you alive?" She barked with a threatening glare only the infamous Hale's could pull off.

"Isn't that the question of the day? But let's not worry about that since you can't change what's already happened. You see, I'm here because days ago I was given a second chance to take care of you. And this time I'm not going to fail" he grinned flashing his red eyes.

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