Chapter Thirteen

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I sat waiting in the hospital for my name to be called. My arm hurt like hell, my head hurt like hell, I was exhuasted, and I had an angry Louis sitting next to me. At least I think he was angry. He didn't say a word the entire ride over here. I knew the past few days have been hell for both of us. I did nothing but cause trouble and I couldn't help but feel like Louis would be better off without me and my emotional baggage. I know I have said this before, and I mean it. 

Finally my name was called and I was brought into a room, Louis following behind me. The nurse stopped him at the door, "Are you family?" 

"Yes. I'm her guardian." 

"In that case, I need you to fill out this paperwork. The doctor will be in shortly." the nurse handed Louis a clipboard and left us alone. 

Great. More waiting. I groaned. "How much longer is this going to take?" I asked impatiently and irritated.

"Hailey, we haven't even been in here for two minutes. Just relax." 

"But my head hurts." 

"I know, Babygirl. Just try not to think too much. It will only make it worse." 

"Can I just pass out in this chair? Like now?." I said adn let my head fall back. I hit the wall and it made a sound. "Ouch." I mummbled. 

"Be careful, Hailey." he said and put the clipboard down. "Come here." he said. I crawled over to him in the double chair. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my head. "Try and sleep, Love. We could be here for a while." 

I did as he said. I shut my eyes, but before I got a chance to really relax, the doctor came in to take me for X-rays. 


"It looks like she's got a small fracture on her radius. It isn't too severe. However, with the amount of swelling I see and the level of pain she has described, she has some torn tissue as well. Usually the torn tissue and ligaments are what cause a majority of the swelling. The tissue will take a little longer to heal, but it shouldn't be too painful since she will have a cast on for a while." the doctor said. "And as far as her concussion goes, just get plenty of rest and she should feel better within a day or two. Now lets get that cast on your arm. Come on up here." 

I got up and sat on the examination table. 

"What color do you want?" 

"Blue! No, wait... green! ugh I can't decide." I said defeated by my lack of decision making skills. 

The doctor chuckled and said, "Well lets see what we have along those lines. Do you want baby blue, neon green, or blue camouflage?" 

"Blue camouflage." I said smiling. The doctor put the cast around my arm starting with layers of gauze. It was a foreign feeling and I could already tell that it was going to irritate me like crazy. 

Louis and I soon walked out and were in the car. Louis had been driving for a little bit when I spoke up, "I'm sorry, Louis." 

"Its alright, Hailey." 

"No. Its not. I've done nothing but cause trouble. The past few days have been hell for both of us. I know that when Harry told you about the pot that you would be pissed, but I hadn't expected him to tell you so soon. When he found it, he was just as pissed as you were and I tried so hard to avoid the conversation, but he being Harry, brought it up again, so I told him the story. I didn't tell you because you were already getting angry, and Liam and Harry were there and I felt cornered and-" 

"Hailey, I told you its alright. We will talk about this later. Remember what I told you about thinking too much? Your condition won't get any better if you don't relax your brain." 

"I want to get this out now, Louis. I don't want to have to explain everything again." 

"Alright. Go ahead." 

"I started smoking after my dad's death. Before all the legal papers were signed and you were my guardian. I had panic and anxiety attacks, I had nightmares and lost a lot of sleep because of them. The foster family I had been staying with payed no attention to it, so I tried finding help myself. A friend suggested I try smoking marijuana, and so I did. It made me feel relaxed and I like how it felt so it became a habit. I stopped when you and the boys came along though. You always know how to make me laugh and forget everything, and we were always on the road so it was difficult for me to smoke without getting noticed. 

"But those days when you were in the hospital were torture for me. I was slowly slipping away and freaking out at the thought of losing you. You are the only family that I have left and I don't think I could live with myself knowing that if you died it was my fault." 

"Hailey, I told you what happened wasn't your fault. It was mine." he said and reached over and took my hand in his."We will work through this together. I remember how you used to come to me for everything. Don't think that me becoming your guardian will change any of that. I'm still your big cousin and I will always be here for you." 

"Thanks, Louis." 

"I love you, Hailey. Don't every forget that." 

"I love you too." I said and rested my head against the headrest. 

"Try to sleep, Love. We still have a bit of a drive ahead of us." 


 At home, I changed into lounge clothes and layed down in bed. Harry told Louis to take a nap because he needed it. That leaving Harry to take care of me. 

Harry had hid the remote to the TV from me. He wouldn't let me read a book either. I was on my phone texting my friends and scrolling through my twitter feed when he snatched it out of my hand. "Hey! Give it back!" I shouted. 

"You are not supposed to be doing anything that puts too much stress on the brain." 

"Then what am I supposed to do? Sleep?" 

"Exactly." he said and layed next to me in bed. He kissed me softly and I felt a wave of heat rush through me. He held  me close and I felt his heart beating. 

"I can't help but think, Harry." 

"About what?" 

"About how much easier it would be for Louis; for all of you, if I wasn't around." 

"Hailey, we went over this. Louis loves you. I love you. The boys love you. We don't want to live our lives without you." 

"You know it would be a lot easier without my emotional baggage." 

"Babe, you may not be completely stable, but that is normal for what you are going through. It doesn't make us love you any less." 

"You don't have to sugar coat it, Harry. Just say it. I'm fucked up." 

"Language, Hailey." he growled. 

"Sorry," I mummbled. 

"You are not fucked up. Now shut up and go to sleep. Or else." he threatened gently. 

"Or else what?" I pushed on. Oh, Hailey. You are going to regret that. 

"Or else I will be the one punishing you later." he gave me an evil smirk. 

I rolled my eyes, shifted away from him slightly, and layed on my side, facing away from him. He pulled me into his chest. He kissed me behind my ear before saying, "I love you, Hailey." and falling asleep. 


a/n: so this ones a bit longer. lol i hoped you guys liked it! 

vote and comment waht you guys think of it! 

lots of love! 


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