Chapter Six

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I had Star in a race saddle and yes, I was aware that I was in shorts and running shoes, but that didn't stop me. I mounted her and brought her to the starting line. 

"Show me what you're made of, baby girl." I whispered into her ear and kicked her into motion. I had just wanted to breeze her, but being the horse she was, she moved  faster than the wind. I felt her legs moving under me; in a frenzy of excitment eating up the ground. 

She crossed the finishline in what seemed like seconds. I pulled her to a stop, "You just don't know when to hold back, do you?" I asked laughing. 


"I just don't get it. Ya know?" I spoke to my horse as she walked beside me. Star's tack hung on the fence that outlined the track. This was an easy way for her to cool down and for me to get my run in at the same time. "Louis, I just, I understand he's trying his best and I respect and appreciate that, but I don't see why he had to get so angry." I started jogging and Star followed with a trot. "Harry's no better, though. Like I told Niall, he's a fucking time bomb and you never know when he's going to go off until you say one wrong thing and BOOM! Explosion. You get me?" 

Star tossed her head as if she understood, "I do want to apologize to Louis. I didn't mean what I told him. His opinion is the most important to me. Especially because he is the only family I have left." I stopped jogging and took a sip of water. 

Star danced in place, "What is wrong with you?" I asked smiling at my goofy horse. She cantered away and then trotted back to stand in front of me. "You want to race?" She tossed her head like a maniac and reared. This horse's energy was endless. "Alright, but I don't see how this is- GO!" I stopped what I was saying and bolted to give myself a head start. Star, however, passed me up with ease. 

When we stopped, I turned to see a mop of curls and skinny jeans walking over to the track. 


He and I made quick eye contact, but I turned away and started jogging again. "Hailey. Come here please." he said loud enough for me to hear. I stopped, rolled my eyes, and turned to jog to him. "We need to talk." he said as soon as I was in front of him. 

"Why? So you can tell me how stupid I am and break up with me? No thanks." 

"What? No. Why do you always think I want to break up with you after we have a fight?" 

"Because. You've given me so many chances already and I just keep screwing things up. I don't know why you put up with me." I said and walked off the track, Star following behind me. I pulled out the brushes and scraped her coat of any sweat. 

"Hailey. I put up with you because I love you. Every strong relationship has fights and anger, but behind all those fights and all that anger, there will always be love." he said standing behind me. " And I know I can be overprotective and I know that I can trust you. Its just that, when you leave without telling me like that... it scares me Hailey. And I know it scares Louis too. And the fact that you went to a party... I didn't mean to get so angry and to yell so much, but you scared me half to death and I couldn't live with myself if I allowed something to happen to you," 

I sighed, "I know... and you deserve way better than me. You're Harry Styles. You can have any girl you want. You can have a girl who is so much better looking than me and way more emotionally stable than me. I don't know why you chose me." I said, not turning away from my horse. 

"I chose you because you're beautiful," he said and kissed my cheek. "and cute," he kissed my cheek again, "and sexy, and sweet, and kind, and fun, and loving, and most importantly, because you are you." he told me and after every descriptive word, he left a kiss on my cheek. "You are perfect all around." 

"I am not perfect." 

"Maybe not to others, but you are to me. And thats all that matters." 

"I still don't know why you put up with my bullshit... like I said, you could have someone that is way more emotionally stable than I am." 

"Its not bullshit, Hailey. I may not know what you are going through exactly, but I do know what its like to be away from loved ones for so long-" 

"yeah, but at least you get to see them again," 

"Hailey, I know this is hard. I know you are acting out at the loss of your father." 

"Its been a year, Harry. I'm over it," 

"You can say that all you want, but not even a year is long enough to get through something like this. Louis is trying as hard as he can to be the best father figure as possible." 

"I know he is." Boy was I getting tired of being told that. 

"And when you say things to him like you did today, and sneak out of the house in the middle of the night, and then lie about it, it not only makes it harder on you, but on him. His job isn't just to punish you when you do something wrong. Its to raise you to be a successful person and when you go to extremes like this it makes him second guess his parenting. I can tell, Hailey. I can tell what he's thinking when he sits there in silence. He's going through every single event that has happened since he became your guardian and trying to find out where everything may have gone wrong. He thinks he is doing something wrong. He knows that he could never replace your father, but he wants to take care of you and be there for you as if he was. He loves you, Hailey. He cares about you. His schedual is busy enough with him being in One Direction. If he didn't love you and care about you, do you think he would have agreed to be your guardian?" 

I didn't say anything. 

"Why did you say that to him up in your bedroom?" 

"Niall already brought this up, and so did Star." I said and Harry gave me a funny look. "Don't ask. Point is, I don't feel like repeating myself. I feel horrible for saying it to him and I will apologize to him when he gets home." I turned around to face Harry. 

"Alright. Good." he said and kissed me softly. "I love you, Hailey." 

"I love you too." I said and leaned up against Star, suddenly feeling exhausted. 

"You look extremely pale. Why are you out running?" 

"I was pissed off too, ya know. I needed to blow off steam." I said yawning. 

"I think you may have pushed yourself too far, Sweetheart. I need to get you to a doctor." 

"That may not be much of a hassle now." Liam said running to us, out of breath. 

"Why?" Harry asked. 

"Its Louis. He's in the hospital." 

My muscles froze as the words were spoken. I couldn't move. Louis was in the fucking hospital. My mind raced over possibilities of what could have happened. But it didn't matter what happened. In my mindset, whatever happened traced back to me. Louis was in the hospital and it was my fault. 


a/n oh no! i hope Louis is okay. 

comment  and tell me what you think is going to happen to both Louis and Hailey.  

vote and comment! 

lots of love! 


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