Chapter Twelve

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I woke up in what I had thought was the middle of the night, but to my dismay, it was day. I didn't know what time or if it was morning or afternoon. All i knew was that I felt a little chilled and immediately felt sorry for Star who had been outside with nothing on her all night.

I noticed Harry had his tattooless arm drapped over me lightly. For once, I was awake before him. I slowly sat up, careful not to wake him, but I fell back when I put weight on my left arm. I had forgotten it was broken. I tried to stay quiet as I let out a smalll shriek of pain. I sat up again, this time without hurting myself. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and looked down at my arm. It was defintely swollen. I heard a movement to my right. I looked over to see Harry waking up.

"Hey. Why are you awake?" he asked.

"Because I woke up." I answered irritated.

"Don't be like that. Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." I sighed and pulled my knees up to my chest, letting my left arm hang limp to the side.


"Its light out. Can we go home now? I want my bed."

"Wait until Louis wakes up."

"I've been awake," a voice said to my left. I turned my head to look at Louis. "Lets pack up. Hailey, Harry and I will do all the work. You just lean up against a tree or something." he said. He sounded tired, and irritated and completely done. If you know what I mean. And I don't blame him.

I didn't respond. I just crawled out of the tent and stood next to Star. I was really starting to get cold. I wasn't sure if it was because of the almost endless shade or if it was because I was sick. Great. Sick and a concussion put together. As if I didn't feel like shit to begin with. The forest was comepletely shaded with little spots of sun here and there. That was the only way we could have seen around us was with what little light we had. It was just as dark as it was yesterday when I came running through here. It still had that eerie feeling. That eerie feeling that someone or something was watching me. Some time must have passed because Harry soon came over to me and wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. "We're done. Are you-"

There was a bustle in a nearby bush. Thats when I remember what happened. "A cougar! It was a cougar! Louis watch out!" I shouted. Louis turned as the giant cat leaped into the air. Star ran right in front of Louis. The cat stopped and growled a little bit. Star reared, then came back down and charged at the cat. One of her hooves must have hit it because it cried out in pain, then ran away. "Oh my god. Louis are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Love. That was a big cat!" he said like what had just happened was absolutely nothing.

"You think it will come back?" I asked,

"No. That thing is long gone."

I turned to Star and checked if she was alright. Not a scratch on her. "Was that what you did yesterday? You chased it off?" she swung her head and I wrapped my arms around her neck. "Thank you so much, princess. I love you." My head spun a bit and I immediately went back to being irritated again. Being sick was not fun at all.

"Are you ready to go?" Harry asked.

"That's a stupid question, Harry."

"Hailey." Louis warned.

"Sorry," I said and started walking.

"No. Come back here." Harry said. I turned and gave him a dirty look. "I'm going to carry you."

"Nonesense. I can walk fine," I turned but with my state, I was a little wobbley and fell over. Thankfully, Louis was there to catch me. I sighed and let Harry pick me up. He was extremely warm and I neeeded the extra warmth at the moment.

"Fall asleep if you can, Sweetheart. Sleep is the best thing for you when you have a concussion." he told me. I didn't respond. Instead, I shut my eyes and fell back asleep taking in Harry's comforting scent.



I was putting Star away while Harry brought Hailey up to her room. I knew that I was supposed to be resting, but I felt fine. I was more concerned about Hailey at the moment. not only was she sick, but now she has a concussion and possibly a broken arm. I feel as though the concussion and broken arm were my fault.

When Harry had told me about the marijuana, I didn't lose externally, but internally, I was boiling. I never thought Hailey as the type to do drugs. I guess I wrong. Or maybe she had a good reason for it? I didn't know, but I had a small feeling that she had told Harry. Which was fine and I understood why she did. I mean, he was the one who found it. I am glad he didn't tell me though. I want to hear it from Hailey.

I do realize that I will have to hold off her punishment now. At least for a couple of days. I want her to be aware of why she's being punished. but if she tells me her reason for smoking the marijuana, depending on what the situation was, I may not have the heart tp punish her.

"Did you know she smoked?" I asked Star as I put her into her stall. She swung her head in reply. "You did? Did you try to stop her?" I asked and she swung her head again and stomped her foot. I took that as 'yes, but was unsuccessful'. "I see. I just don't know what to do. if I ground her longer, she will hate me more than she already does. I could forbid her from riding, but thats not only a punishment to her, but to you as well. It would be a punishment for all of us, actually. I've seen how she gets when she hasn't seen you for a long period of time. Its not pretty." Star eyed me as if she was listening to every word I said intently. I understand why Hailey loves her so much. "What do you think I should do?" She swung her head agina making her main shake in all different directions. "Yeah. Maybe I'll just think about it for the next couple of days." I said and gave Star her food. "Thanks for the talk, girl."

I walked back to the house prepared to take Hailey to the hospital for her arm.



I decided to shower, however, I sat down because it hurt too much to stand. When I got out and dried off, I was able to slip my panties on easily; it was my bra that was the difficult part. I had gotten the straps over my shoulders, but clasping it was the challenge considering my injured arm. I had no choice but to ask for help.

I walked out using my good arm to cover my chest. "Umm... Harry... will hook my bra for me? I can't do it. It hurts too much."

"Of course, Sweetheart." he said. I turned around and soon I felt the straps tighten around me. Then I felt a pair of long arms snake around my waist. "You know, you are absolutley beautiful." he whispered in my ear and kissed my neck.

"I don't think so..."

"And why not?"

"Well for starters, my face could be a lot prettier, my body could be a little slimmerm and if I had it my way, I'd push some of the fat from my stomach to my boobs." I answered honestly.

"Hailey," he said and turned me around to face him. He looked me in my eyes as I stared into his gorgeous green ones. "You are beautiful. You are not even the least bit of fat, and your boobs, well they are perfect. Size doesn't matter. I know there are some men who like a girl with a big chest, but I love yours the way they are. You don't need to worry about them being bigger because nobody will get to look at them but me. And you are still young and still growing." he said and winked.

I blushed a bit, "Thanks."

"You are perfect the way you are, Hailey. I fell in love with you for you. Don't ever change anything about you." he kissed me softly and I blushed again. "You're cute when you blush." he said, I smiled and he kissed my nose. "C'mon. Let's get you dressed so we can get your arm taken care of."


a/n: somewhat of a boring chapter, but Louis did almost get mauled by a cougar. lol Star is a pretty good protector. haha

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lots of love!


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