Chapter One

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I sat on the park bench alone, listening to the birds and breathing the fresh air. I had gotten into a fight with one of the boys back at home. No it wasn't Harry, though he had told the others what happend, causing the fight to occur.

It was Louis that I had gotten into a fight with. Ever since he became my legal guardian...

Oh yeah, I guess I should tell you that story. Then this will all make sense.

Louis is my cousin. My dad was a fire fighter and had died on a rescue misson. My mom was a drunk and was put into jail for having too many DUIs. Louis was the closest relative I had and I was already very close to him so he was happy to take me in.

He had been my legal guardian for almost a year. I have grown close to all the boys and they all have become like brothers. Well, except for Harry. I knew that there was going to be something between us the day I layed my eyes on him. Louis, being an over protective cousin, was reluctant to letting me date him, but once he realized that it was going to be almost impossible to keep us apart, he gave Harry a choice. To either be a guardian, or to be my boyfriend. Guess what he chose? And I couldn't be happier. I am not one to believe in love at first sight, but this connection Harry and I had was definitely close because it did not take long for either of us to fall in love.

Anyway, I had gotten into a fight with Louis because I snuck out, unnoticed if I may add, and didn't come home until 2:00 in the morning. Apparently Harry woke up and noticed I was gone and had a panic attack. Did I mention he was over protective too? He is. Sometimes beyond belief. I snuck out to a party... a party with alcohol and drugs. I did drink, but not to an extent to where I couldn't completely think straight. I had nice going buzz... until Louis killed it.

I had expected Liam to be the one to lash out, but even though he didn't, he still looked really pissed off. I mean, Louis got so angry that it literally scared the shit out of me. I always had such a good relationship with Louis, but now I think it is all ruined.

My eyes filled with tears. It was still dark outside. It wasnt even near 4:00 in the morining yet and I wondered why Harry hadn't come after me after I had stormed out of the house. Maybe he thought I needed time to myself, but at this moment, I actually wanted someone to hold me. I felt horrible for lying. And to make it worse, I lied even more when I told them what I did. I said that I went to a special showing of one of my favorite movies. And somehow, I knew that keeping up with this lie will probably penatrate a hole in the relationship I have with Harry. He hates it when I lie. And I mean HATES it.

To be honest, I didn't want to go back. I didn't want to have to face Louis. Not at all. All the boys got along so well, they agreed on everything. And that includes my punishment, so I was all on my own.

The tears rolled down my cheeks. My head had been tilted down so I didn't see the face of the person that sat down next to me, but I didn't need to when a hand was placed on my lap. It was Harry.

I looked up at him and he wiped away the tears. He knew how upset I was. It didn't matter what happened or what was going on, he knew when something was wrong. But he asked the question anyway, "Why did you leave?"

"I didn't want to be yelled at anymore. And yes I do realize that I will get yelled at even more now, but I already had a headache..."

"You nearly scared me to death. Just like you did last night when I woke up and found you gone."

"So it was you!" I said. I knew that he was the one who had told everybody I was gone, but I wanted to hear him say it.

"Yes. I told everyone. I searched the house, even the grounds for you and when I couldn't find you, I started to freak out and my natural reaction was to tell someone. Why would you leave in the middle of the night like that?"

"Please don't make me go back." I begged, clearly trying to change the subject.

"Hailey... answer my question." he demanded softly.

I hesitated at first "I just wanted to have a little fun. I hardly ever see my friends anymore because I am always on tour with you guys. I honestly didn't think it was that bad..."

"I woke up at 12:30 and you were just gone. And even then you didn't come home until 2:00."

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to see my friends."

"You scared the shit out of me, Hailey."

Oh no, he's swearing. This isn't good. "I know. And Im sorry."

"Promise me you won't go out that late without telling one of us."

"I promise." I said. Guilt still built up inside of me for lying about what I had done, but I wasn't going to confess that now. I knew that if Harry found out I went to a party, he would lose his god damn mind.

Out of nowhere I began to shiver. My mind darted over reasons why this could be, considering it wasn't very cold out, but then it hit me. The druggies at the party all had some sort of disease or a cold or something. "Whats wrong, Sweetheart? Are you cold?"

"What? No I'm fine." I lied again. I have a serious a problem.

"Yeah sure." he said suspiciously. "Let's get you home and in bed. We can cuddle if you like." he said smirking.

I smiled lightly and nodded my head.

Harry kissed my temple and helped me up. I felt my head spin and I almost fell over. Thank god Harry caught me. "Alright... something's wrong. I can tell. You don't just fall over like that."

"But I didn't fall over..."

"Yeah, because I caught you. Now stop arguing with me. You know I'm right."

I sighed in defeat. "I guess I feel a little ill. But its not anything I can't handle."

"I don't care. I am going to take care of you. End of discussion. And if you are sick, it may give you an easier time when it comes to facing Louis again."

I stiffened at his last words. For a few moments I had completely forgotten what was waiting for me at home.



hope you all like it so far!

It was an old fanfiction I found and i realized it needed major editing lol

vote and comment!

lots of love!


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