I Think The Stars Will Tell Him

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"This is my dolly, her name is Sparkles" London held the doll up to the sky, they hadn't been in the new house long, and the backyard quickly became a favorite.

Kim smiled, "Who are you talking to baby?"

"My daddy. I think the stars will tell him for me, like when you talk to your daddy." London reasoned.

"Oh, sweetie." Kim wrapped her arms around her little girl, "Maybe." She had once explained to London, how she spoke to her deceased father when she sat beneath the stars. Sean was never a topic in their daily conversations, it was how Kim wanted it. She just never realized how London longed for a father figure. She had always just assumed London didn't miss her father, after all how could you miss something you never knew you had?

"Just like her mother, huh?" Adam spoke softly, "I wished you'd eat something..you sure I can't get you anything..even if it's just something little.."

"I can't eat, Adam. I can't sleep.." she ran her hands through her hair, "I'm so fucking scared! I want my baby back!" She grabbed the bottle and tossed it at the wall.

Adam stood up, "Darlin'.." he grabbed her as her legs buckled and they both fell to the floor.

"Let me go!" She pushed against his chest, "let me go." She grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, "I want my baby.." she sobbed.

Adam only tightened his grip, holding her until her body stopped shaking and her breathing slowed down, "I love you.." he mumbled into her hair.

"Before we get out of this car I need to know where your head is.." Hank locked eyes with Kevin, "I need you to keep it together."

Kevin inhaled sharply, before exhaling heavily, "I'm good. I'm good."

"Well, let's go." Hank tapped his hand on the steering wheel.

Max had heard the footsteps as they circled around his house, sure they had rolled in silently but when you lived a life as he did; one's hearing is sharp.

He had counted four vehicles and at least six guys that he could see from the bedroom window, he did the only thing he could do.

He grabbed the nine millimeter he kept on his nightstand, he jammed it in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

Erin felt the wind leave her sails, they had hoped this would end the nightmare, that they would at the very least have a beat on where London was and now that hope had died.

It had died the second their suspect put a bullet in his head.

Erin wanted to cry as she stared at the body on the floor a deep red puddle beneath Langley's head.

Jay grabbed her hand, "Don't look at him, babe." He had never felt the need to shield her from a body, but this wasn't their typical case.

"I hate him, Jay. What a fucking monster!" She screamed, she squatted down over his body and she felt her blood turn cold, "I hate you!" She screamed, before spitting in his face.

Peter parked the car in a corner of the massive lot and turned to his mother, "We take her in that hospital and this is over...they'll figure it out. They'll know she's not yours."

Gloria wiped her eyes, "She is mine, Peter. It's Kaitlyn, your little sister." She opened her door, "Now, help me get her out of the car."

"Okay, Mom." Peter knew arguing with her would get him nowhere. His mother hadn't been the same since they lost Kaitlyn. It had been fifteen years and he was twelve years old when they lost her to a brain tumor. He had not only watched the life drain out of his baby sister, but his mother too. She had suffered deeply from his sister's death and had lost touch with reality. As the anniversary of her death approached, she had gone on and on about needing to find her daughter. That she could buy a new Kaitlyn.

Why he went along with her plan still alluded him, perhaps he just wanted to see her smile again..and she had.

Had it been worth it?

He wasn't so sure.

Al shook his head in disgust as he stepped over the body, a white sheet had been placed over him. They all had high hopes that his would lead them to London, and he felt as if they had yet another dead end.

Adam had held Kim until she drifted off to sleep, he slowly maneuvered himself up off the floor with Kim still in his arms.

He carefully set her on his bed and kissed her forehead, as he went to leave she grabbed his hand instinctively, placing it under her chin. Her movements left him no choice but to climb into bed with her. He pulled her back against his chest and he inhaled the sweet scent of her shampoo. He had longed for this moment for years, but not like this.

"Yes!" Kevin couldn't believe what he had found, "Yo! Back here..." he hollered. He pulled the photograph off the wall, he felt sick to his stomach as he held it in his hands.

"What've you got?" Hank asked.

"This." Kevin handed him the photo, "He had them under surveillance." As if that wasn't bad enough, "I remember this!" He paced, "it was just a few weeks ago. We went to the movies and grabbed an early dinner."

The photo showed him, Kim, and London heading into the movie theatre, London perched on Kevin's shoulders, she was laughing.

"How did I not know we were being followed! I'm a fucking cop...had could I have missed that?" Kevin's hands were shaking, he was furious with himself.

"Kevin, there was no reason for you to suspect anything." Hank tried to ease his guilt, he knocked his fist against Kevin's upper arm, "Let's keep looking...something in this house will lead us to London." Hank announced.

He hoped that was the case.

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