Oh My She's Beautiful

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Max Langley was the epitome of white privilege, he was born into money. Old money, money his family had made decades ago and continued to do so even now and with no end in sight. Which made how Max was living now a bit surprising, but if one dug just a bit deeper they would see it.

The ugly secret Max had buried or at the very least had tried to bury. The problem was that secrets never stayed a secret for long.

It was a ticking time bomb.

You see Max was a scout, he was the one who found targets, his uncle had become his biggest asset. Having an uncle that was assistant principal at an elementary school was helpful. Toss in a serious gambling addiction, it was serendipitous.

Max put the screws to his uncle and was granted access to school files, making it ridiculously easy to fulfill the requests of his clients. Sure, he tried to whitewash it all, that he was providing a childless couple with a child. He ignored the fact that he was ripping a child from its family, and that not all of his clients had pure intentions, that they longed for a child to love.

Sure he had a few of those, but for the most part these children were being placed in the hands of monsters.

That part Max ignored, he couldn't think about that.

On the surface Max Langley was a great guy, who followed the law, and was an upstanding citizen. Sure, he wasn't perfect, but who was? A traffic violation here or there a drunk and disorderly charge, but that was the extent of his run ins with the law. At first glance he appeared to the perfect citizen, you'd never suspect he lived a double life.

He had a rule that he wouldn't fulfill another order so soon after a completed job. He hoped that would help him stay hidden, the last thing he needed was someone connecting the dots. If that happened he was fucked.

So he'd keep his head down, following the letter of the law to a T, and just wait it out. He'd wait for the buzz of his latest job to die down and then he would begin to consider taking on a new job but it wasn't definite.

Kevin had poured himself into this case, he needed answers and he wouldn't stop until he had them. He loved London, and it was killing him that he had no idea where she was or who she was with, it was terrifying.

He had crossed referenced a dozen different cases and he was terrified by what he had found, and pissed that it had gone unnoticed until this case.

He waited until everyone had settled at their desks, Hank had told them to take a step back, and when they could link Langley to the assistant principal at London's school to talk to him until that they had nothing. He had told them that 'correlation didn't mean causation' or some shit like that but Kevin knew it, he knew in his gut that something ugly was going on at that school.

Hank had told them he needed something solid before he'd allow them to bring in Langley and his uncle. They now had that..and so much more,

Kevin had hit the jackpot, he printed off the photos and stuck them to the whiteboard. He had already made copies of everything for each member of the team, except for Adam who had yet to return.

Their asses had barely hit their chairs when he started talking.

"Ok. I've found some scary shit." He was still trying to recover from it, his voice was shaky "Its terrifying..." he reiterated.

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