Twenty Seven

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Louis was right Maven did need to buff up his security I'm surprised he hasn't been assassinated yet, it was sorta embarrassing.  I didn't really care if I lived or not, what was there to live for anyway? Shade? Cal? They were both gone, I had to die before I could hurt anyone else. 

I didn't struggle or say anything, what was the point. They were surprisingly careful,  they moved with as fluidly as swifts. Maybe half of the cloaked men stayed behind, I could already smell the clean. I took a big wiff of the chemicals covering the metallic smell like a blanket.

We go up too many staircases to count, we must've been on the tenth no twelfth floor. My carrier's chest had grown a little moist, but he'd be alright, I couldn't be responsible for another death. 

We came to a stop at an unguarded door laced with what looked to be diamond glass? No knobs just a password pad. 

Nine taps later and the door lifts open, what lies inside is the confusing part. It was neat and empty. A single queen bed sat in the center, the room was purely white, the bed's simple. A room built solely for function nothing more nothing less. Not even silent stone? What an odd type of prison.

Whoever had the courtesy of preparing this room, did an amazing job. The bed was light and fluffy like Cal's hair. My kidnappers didn't say a word as they stood guard at the corners of the room, that's odd, guess I was being rewarded a new prison, one with a bed this time!

I started humming, subconsciously oddly. It took me a moment to realize exactly what I was humming I wasn't shocked to realize it was the same song Cal and I had danced to, in what seemed like an eternity. "I found myself  dreaming in silver and gold...."

The song was light but sweet, just like the jokes we'd  toss at each other twirling and spinning. They were really cheesy I remember one of the better ones he'd  use 'You must be a banana because I find you a peeling' cheesy yes but cute, we'd  laugh all night. We'd  insist we were just trying out the jokes on each other in preparation for our betrothed, now I knew better. Hopefully, I'd be seeing him soon.

So there I sat just humming, reviewing my time with Cal. Sometimes the happiest memories are the saddest, you'll never feel that exact happiness ever again.

 I'd at very least come to the conclusion that the Scarlet guard was not surrounding me, I knew it they moved to much like silvers, and my suspicions were confirmed when the door lifted to reveal none other than the Prince himself.

Louis gives me a warm smile, it's the first genuine smile I've seen in months. "I'm sorry I've been a while. His royal kingship loves to drone on and on about how the Scarlet Guard.

I continue humming, maybe if I didn't make eye contact he'd leave.

He's done an outstanding job with you, from what I've heard you've been good, Mrs. Barrow. My friends tell me there wasn't so much as a struggle from you." He smiles taking my head in his hands, like a dog. Was that all the princes saw me as, a pet. What was so appealing to royals about me? And who had done well, his majesty was being extremely vague. "Instruct Chernobyl its time," He throws over his shoulder, his eyes are still on my face, like a new toy. The door lifts once revealing a single sentinel with a single choker laying on a pillow. Very chic. A lovely shade of green to match Louis' eyes.

This was nothing new, my life had been full of collars, think collars, pretty collars, invisible chains, all they did was wound my dignity. But this collar felt different, comfortable but different, my head hurt. I hated this feeling, valuable like my throat was too small, my lungs were rejecting the air, I hated this. I was having an asthma attack.No this wasn't possible I'd hadn't had one since I was eight years old. I'd almost died my parents had bleed their wallets dry to get me an inhaler, they were so rare considering silver's didn't need such thing so why mass produce them? 

Louis had let go of my face watching as I choked on air, a faint smile playing on his lips. "revolutionary," He whispers, like a crazy version of Julian wearing Cal's face.

All of a sudden as if the air had suddenly filled with albuterol, I could breathe normally again. With one final deep breath my eyes cloud over, It was odd I could see everything from my view but everything was dimmer, like seeing the world through sunglasses, and I couldn't think straight, almost like my thoughts were muffled. "What's happening to me?" I could barely get the sentence out I was feeling numb but not drowsy, fully away even

"Shush pet, Your being given a great honor." He says smugly like he's won something

I raise an eyebrow, even that's hard to do

"You're about to become the 8th queen of Lakelands my darling girl."

Okay so while I was writing this I had an idea how fun would it be to just make a book full of MareCal moment's specifically like Mare late night lessons with her and the cheesy jokes? Tell me what you think, in the comment's cause that would actually be really fun anyway next parts the second to last part (Maybe)


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