Dropping Jaws

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Once overtime began, my eyes did not leave the screen. I did not want to miss any part of the game. "Oh my god like why?!" Canada misses their chance of scoring, and Phil clutches onto me. Throughout OT Canada had many chances to score but we ended up having to go into shoot out. "This is the worst way to end a game!" I yell. USA attempts to shoot first and Hart saves it. "YES CARTER! THATTA BOY!!!" Phil shouts. Next is Dylan. "Let's go Stromy!" Unfortunately he misses it. The teams go back and forth attempting to score a shootout goal. No luck for either team so far. "Shit!" Terry shoots the puck into the Canadian goal. "We still have a chance!" I tell Phil. Canada misses again, and USA misses their 5th attempt. Nicolas Roy gets Canada's last attempt. He handles the puck towards the net and misses. USA wins the gold. I felt my heart sink and i'm sure Phil felt the same way. I'm upset but I see positivity. This team worked so hard and had gotten so far into the championship. It was a huge difference to Canada's 6th place finish in the championship last year. "I have to go out there to support my team. You can come with or stay here." I am still in shock. My heart is aching for the boys as their reactions to their loss are playing on the big screen. "I'll stay in here." Phil nods and goes out into the rink. I watch the screen as I see Phil come in view. USA cerebrates their victory while Canada is left with their heads hung low. "We deserved to win! Why?" I shout to no one. I crawl under the blanket Phil and I were just sharing, and I hug my knees.

A couple minutes later, the players line up to receive their medals. I watch as each Canadian player receives their silver medal with no emotion. Dylan goes up to receive the Silver World Junior Championship plaque on behalf of his team. I continue to watch as I see the camera focus on the Canadian players. I see Barzal silently crying, as well as the other boys tearing up. I felt myself tearing up too. USA goes up to receive their gold medals with smiles. Once all the players received their medals and their plaque, the officials announced Thomas Chabot the best defensemen in the tournament. Then the anthem of the United States started playing. I watched as the American flag rose above Canada's flag, and beside ours, the Russian's. After the anthem, I waited for the boys to come off the ice.

I didn't realize that I had taken a little nap until I felt something heavy on me. "What the fuck?" I open my eyes and see Phil sitting on me. "Wake up sleepy head." He gets up and pulls me up with him. "Should I congratulate them? I feel like I should say something but I don't know the right things to say." I whisper looking over at the hunched up boys. "Don't say anything then." I roll my eyes. He is no help. "I need to go back to my hotel to get dressed for the party tonight." I tell him. "Me too. Where are you staying at? Maybe we can give you a ride." I show him the address to my hotel, and give back his charger I borrowed. "Sweet! That's where we're staying at. We'll give you a ride, don't worry about it." he says. I thank him and wait for the rest of the boys to gather their things before heading onto their bus.

"Um shouldn't you ask Coach if I can come with you guys? I don't want to intrude." I take a seat by the aisle next to Phill. "Shh... it's fine. We won't get in trouble." "Hey guys." Julien Gauthier greets from behind me. I say a small hi. "Sneaking a girl onto the bus eh Myers?" Dylan raises an eyebrow at Phil. "She needed a ride back to the hotel. She's staying at the same one." The ride to the hotel is pretty quiet. Everyone is upset but they're still in the mood to celebrate something good out of this Championship. "Tonight's game was tough, and you guys played amazing. You guys don't need medals or any object to prove your accomplishments because you guys are already number one in the nation's heart. You're our nation's heroes. We are proud of you guys. Compared to last year, this year, we've gotten so far in the tournament. I know you guys were determined to get the gold, and you guys did the best that you guys could. You guys worked so much harder, and persevered. This "loss" may sting, but you guys can't just sit here and be upset. You're going to learn from this experience and grow from it. It will benefit you in the future. Win or lose we are all still family." After my long rant everyone around me smiled and thanked me for my sharing. "Alright boys, rest up or party hard. Whatever boys do nowadays." Coach Ducharme says as the bus driver pulls up to the hotel. "The boys are all taking uber's to the venue tonight. We can share an uber if you like so then you don't have to worry about how to get there. I can meet you at your room or something" Phil comes up to me. "I'd like that thanks! Give me your number so I can text you the deets." Phil punches in his digits in my phone. "See you soon!" I wait for the elevator and go up to my hotel room.

I slide into my hotel room and greet my parents. "How was the game?" "We lost." I said frowning. "Is it alright if I go out with some of the players on the team? They invited me to their end of World Junior Championship party." I ask with hopeful eyes. "Alright you can go but don't get back too late. And bring Kayla with you." I thank my parents and head to my bedroom. I send a quick text to Phil asking if I can bring a plus one, and thankfully he says yes. What a sweet boy. I then send Kayla a text about the party, and she excitedly agrees. I walk to my luggage and grab a black tight but not skimpy bare back dress. I slip the dress on and gather all my cosmetic products in the bathroom. I go for a simply but effective make up look and decide to straighten my hair a bit. I text Kayla to meet me outside my room, and I decide on fuchsia pumps to match my outfit. I decide not to bring a purse, and just hold my phone. My phone buzzes and I check to see a message from Phil.

Phil: Hey, change of plans. Really sorry but Josty and I are going to the venue first cuz he's being a moppy ass.

I laugh at the last part of the text and I respond telling him not to worry. A noise is heard outside the door and I open it. "Hey girl. You look hawt!!!" And Kayla dramatically flips her hair. "Bye mom and dad!" I yell as I leave my hotel room. "You look stunning. Dress to impress?" Kayla nudges me. "Just in for a good time." My phone buzzes and I see a text from Phil with the venue address. "How did you get invited to this party?" Kayla asks as I order an uber. "I'll tell you the whole story in the car."

15 minutes past and the uber had finally arrived. "Where to ladies?" I show the driver the address Phil had texted me. "I'm waiting." Kayla announces impatiently causing me to roll my eyes. "Okay, so basically after you left, I went to customer service and they wouldn't let me in the arena. So I was standing near the entrance to the rink and I was about to call an uber but my phone died. So I guess I swore really loudly and that caught Philippe Myer's attention. And then he brought my to the lounge room outside the change rooms to watch the game on a huge screen. We watched the entire game together and now we're best friends." Kayla slaps my arm hard. "Ow bitch what was that for?" "You lucky bitch!" she exclaimed. At this point I feel bad for the uber driver because he has to deal with two crazy teenagers. "How's Myer's head." "He seems fine." I tell her. The driver pulls up to what looks like a really nice venue. Kayla and I thank the driver and enter the venue.

Philippe Myers' POV

Tyson and I hit up the venue and greet some of the players from the tournament. Americans, Russians, Swedens, and many other players from around the world are gathered at this party. "Hey Myers! Where's your friend?" Julien asks as he approaches us with a can of what looks like a cooler. "Well I was supposed to share an uber with her but Josty here was being a pain in the ass so I had to take care of this baby." I say annoyed. "Lighten up a bit buddy. We're all getting wasted tonight." Matt says with his arm around his girlfriend's waist. "Behave yourself." I tell Tyson before breaking away from the group to grab a drink.

I walk to the lounge chairs where Dylan Strome, Julien Gauthier, Mitchell Stephens, and Taylor Raddysh are sitting. "Mind if I join?" I ask joining their conversation. "Nope." I take a swig of the drink the bartender had given me. I think it's a mix of alcohol or something. "Hey isn't that Caelyn?" everyone's head snaps towards the door. "Damn she looks 10 times hotter." One of the boys mutter. "Stop, that's my friend you are speaking about." I say. "Who's her friend?" Raddysh asks."I don't know. Haven't seen her before." I respond as I approach her.

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