getting to know each other

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I was super nervous about meeting him like literally.

I went backstage and and big buff guy told me to wait there becuase he was busy meeting some fans.

About 5 min later I heard his voice I was super nervous. I get up and I turn around and right away he brings me into a tight hug.

Kalin pov

I saw her sitting their waiting for me,she was making snapchats.
I decided to wait until she was done with her snap. When she was done I sneaked up behind her,she turned around and I bought her into a tight hug.
"Wow its nice to finally meet u karla".

Karla pov

"Yeah omg wow u did great tnite u were fuckin awesome".
"Haha thanks". Kalin said
God he laughed and I swear that he could he cure cancer with that laugh.


We were talking to what felt like 5min but it was actually an hour,I mean time goes by fast when ur having fun. 

"HEY I'm gonna get going now but we should do this again" I said

"Yeah totally I really want to see more of u" kalin said

"I look forward to it" I said

"Here's my number hmu".

"Totally". I said

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