
"Don't hurry back, though!" Lee calls.

Nessa turns pink in the face as we all laugh at his insinuation.

Definitely happy, I think to myself. Smiling, I take my beautiful, pregnant wife to go get ice cream.


Three months later


My eyes fly open and immediately find the space on the bed my wife should be occupying. She's not there.

"Marcel!" I hear her voice again. The kitchen. Barely managing to throw the covers off, I rush to her like a drug lord being chased by the FBI.

"Lyn? Baby, what's wrong?" I ask when I see her standing by the sink, hanging onto the counter tightly. My heart begins to hammer in my chest. "Lyn, is the baby..."

Her eyes fill with water. "It's the baby." She looks down and a smile grows on her face. To say I'm confused is an understatement. Why is she smiling if...

"It's the baby!" I exclaim with a wide grin. I take in the small puddle of water at her feet and the tight grip she has on the counter. "It's the baby!"

She rolls her eyes. "Daddy's kind of slow," she murmurs, rubbing her stomach.

My grin dims a little when it actually sinks in that my wife's in labour and I'm standing here doing nothing.

"Shit! We need to go!" I begin to run upstairs to get my keys and get dressed when I realize I'm leaving her standing in the middle of the kitchen. "Okay, you sit here," I gently but hurriedly put her to sit down then take the stairs three at a time.

Without much attention to what I'm pulling on, I get dressed, grab my car keys, Lyn's bag -which she's certain she's packed everything she needs in- and rush to the car.

"Marcel!" She screams. "Are you gonna make me have this baby in our living room?"

She's going to wake the whole neighborhood if I don't get her to the hospital and fast. I send a quick broadcast message to our family and friends.

Getting to the hospital and in a room is almost a blur. I know I held her hand the entire way while she squeezed the life out of me as the contractions came closer and closer to each other. But the moment they took her out of my hands and into the delivery room is when my heart paused.

"Just a minute and you can go in and be with your wife, sir," a nurse says while she helps me to wash my shaking hands and put on scrubs.

As soon as I get the go ahead, I rush to Lyn's side. "Is everything alright? Is the baby-"

"Everything is going just right, Mr Jamison. We just need to start pushing, okay dear?" The labour and delivery nurse says as she looks to Evelyn with kind eyes.

Lyn grabs my hand and I turn to her. "I'm here, baby." She looks as if she's about to say something when an ear splitting scream comes out instead. Her grip on my hand tightens.

"Push, darling," the nurse orders.

Evelyn does as she's told. After a few minutes of pushing she seems to be growing tired. Her grip on my arm weakens.

"We can see the head. You're almost there. Push."

Lyn whimpers and closes her eyes. Tears and sweat have dampened her face. "I can't."

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