Chapter 3- How Do I even Know It's Mine?

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I sit outside Rosy's at one of the tables waiting for Ariel. We were​ suppose to meet here at eleven and it's now eleven thirty. It's just half hour but late is still late. I hate meeting with her after what happened but the situation is unavoidable if a baby is involved.

"You came," a voice says from behind me.

I don't have to look to know who it is. "You're late, Ariel," I say, taking a sip of my coffee. She takes a seat at the table.

"Why so down?"

"Why so chirpy?" I retort. "I had a life, a girlfriend that I love and was happy with. Now that's ruined."

"You didn't mention her at the party. You're acting like I made this baby alone."

"How do I even know it's mine?"

Her lips form an 'O' and she swings her hand with full force across my face. "Do you think I just go around sleeping with random men?" she yells.

"You had no problem doing it back in high school." My response has her on her feet. Her face turns a bright pink. She shakes her head at me and walks away.


"Dude, that was a dick move," Lee says after I tell him what happened with Ariel.

"Hurting Evelyn was a dick move." Lee nods and decides not to say anything more about the topic.

While we sit there in Lee's living room watching a movie, his girlfriend comes over. Well...his girlfriend for the month, that is.

Lee isn't really the player type but he can't keep one girlfriend for long. He says it's because the girls he dates turns out to be gold diggers. When you have​ money like the young music producer I have​ for a best friend does, that tends to be the case.

I say he's making up for the chicks he didn't get back in high school. But who knows, maybe Vanessa is different.

"Nessa, baby," he greets her as he opens the door.

She looks barely over five feet, with long dark hair and big brown eyes. She's quite adorable. And to top it off she's Evelyn's best friend.


I sigh as she enters the house.

"Oh, Marcel. Hi." Her expression makes it clear that Evelyn had told her what happened. She's been looking at me that way for two months now.

"Hey," is my dull reply. I excuse myself to go outside. Pulling my phone from my jeans pocket, I dial the one person I can't get off my mind.

The phone rings then goes to voice message. It's obvious she isn't ready to talk to me yet. "Hey. Lyn, it's me. already know that that's why you won't answer." I sigh. "Look, just please call me when you get this. I need to talk to you."

I run my hand through my hair. How am I going to tell her that I'm having a baby with another woman? A woman from my past that I don't even like. Is there any chance with her after that? My life is beginning to sound like an Usher song.


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Savin' UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora