The Pain Unbearable

Start from the beginning

“If we weren’t in a car I’d smack you silly,but since that’d put my life in danger,I’m not.When this car stops,I am getting out of here.And DO NOT touch MY food ever again.”

He laughed.HE LAUGHED AT ME.I kind of blushed and then we pulled into the school parking lot.I ate the rest of my oatmeal cookie and waited for him to find a parking spot.There seemed to be a crowd,like a crowd waiting for Taten to arrive.I opened the car door and immediately everyone got silent until Taten flashed his stupid ass smile.I rolled my eyes and starting walking away.I suddenly felt hurt.I saw HIM.Not Tate…I saw Todd.His arm secured around Lacey and her followers among the crowd as well.I turned around to look at Taten and he saw exactly what I saw.By now,I’ve told him everything,I needed to pour out my heart to another person..and I felt like Savannah wasn’t enough,so I told him.He put his arm around me and I looked at Todd automatically.Our eyes met for a split second and he finally abated his gaze as did I.

“Taten.You didn’t hav-“

“He did things to you.He’s haunted you in your dreams.And he was your best friend.He turned on you so he doesn’t deserve you.”

I closed my mouth and noticed his arm was still wrapped around me as we walked the halls to get to class.

I was also getting glares and faces of shock.

“ can let go..”

“K…”He said hesitantly and he took his arm away.When he did,I realized I lost his warmth and protection.

We headed to class,our first class is together and so is our second.

After school had finished and I met Savannah in the courtyard,I was getting stared at and heard people whisper about me.

“Hey Savan.”I smiled.

“Don’t Savan me.I heard you rode to school with Taten.”She wiggled her eyebrows.

“Agh my god.”I slapped my forehead with my hand.Girls had come up to me crying for talking about me behind my back and said Taten and I looked cute together,but we’re not even’s not even close.

“And he put his arm around you.Didn’t let go until ya got to class….so I’ve heard.”She teased again.

“Oh would you quit?”I pushed her playfully.


“Don’t drink Seren.This party is gonna be drama free!”Savannah declared.

It’s Friday,we know and there’s a party to celebrate going back to school,well being on the attendance list and not attending for some people.Okay,let’s say a party to celebrate the weekend and forget about school completely.

“I know!Gosh.”I snarled.

“Don’t give me attitude.Now go pick an outfit and I’ll see if it’s good enough.”She snapped back,and then we laughed,”No really.”And she put her serious face back on.

When I came out,I had my Maddengirl combat boots(with a slight heel)tights,black skirt from Forever 21,a long sleeve aztec shirt,and a leather jacket.

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