Chapter Twenty-Five: Youth

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Youth

            The whole thing was disorienting. One minute they were singing and dancing and enjoying every single second of it. And the next they were rushing Will to the hospital. Owen hated being selfish but he wondered whether that was how it had been like when he had gotten his asthma attack. Heather’s hysterical screaming and Darren’s yelling had made the whole thing even more chaotic and when they’d all arrived at the hospital. He wondered whether Madison would have gone hysterical over him in the same way that Heather was doing for William.

            They sat around the waiting room doing nothing more and nothing less than waiting. Darren talked quietly with Clara and Mitch. Aiden sat near Heather trying to calm her down and Rebecca sat alone not talking to anyone.

            “What do you think happened to him?” Declan asked finally breaking the silence. Mason sighed and shrugged.

            “Does he have epilepsy?” Noah asked.

            “I don’t know. He’s never mentioned anything like that.”

            “I have asthma and I never mention it so it could still be possible,” Owen pointed out and looked at Heather crying softly. In a surprising wave of anger he wanted nothing more than to shake her and yell at her to snap out of it and pay attention to Aiden. He shook his head trying to bury the unexplained anger and turned to look at Noah.

            “Are we still going to breakfast tomorrow with Aiden’s mom and Ben?” Owen asked and Noah nodded.

            “Yeah we’ll still be doing that. They’ll be leaving shortly after the breakfast.” Noah replied. The doctor came out and motioned for Darren to follow him. Heather stood up and Darren gave her a death glare.

            “Everything will be fine,” Mitch reassured them as Darren walked away with the doctor.

            “And if it isn’t?” Rebecca asked and although Owen didn’t like the girl he couldn’t help but wonder along with her what would happen.

            “Then we’ll deal with it all when the time comes,” Clara answered solemnly. They sat in silence for a while waiting and as the seconds ticked by Owen grew more impatient. He looked around at his friends and they all seemed to be lost in their own little worlds and he wondered what they were thinking about.

            Darren stormed down the hallway towards them and they all immediately jumped to their feet.

            “Is he okay?” Heather asked and Darren turned his death glare to her.

            “We’re leaving. We aren’t going to be held responsible for his stupidity. It seems William has been using a certain type of drug the entire time he’s been in this competition despite the fact that he’s an epileptic. He is on his own now.”

            “But you can’t just do that!” Aiden blurted out and Darren turned to him and pointed his finger at Aiden’s face.

            “Do not presume to tell me what to do. Don’t forget that I am what stands between you and your dreams coming true.”

            “There’s two other judges you know that right?” Owen snapped before he could stop himself and Darren flushed angrily. Owen thought Darren would punch Aiden but instead he turned and walked away. Without another word they all followed the judges out and the night had come to an end.

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