"whats wrong, freed?" laxus asked, a little concerned

      i sighed and sat down on my bed, patting my bed for him to sit next to me. when he sat down, i started explaining my predicament...

        "my parents are extremely homophobic......thats why ive been so hesitant to tell you my feelings...i mean, i love them, but i love you too..." i was so distressed..

        "well you know what, lets go down there right now and tell them who you are and what we are." laxus more directed then suggested

    i began to freak out a little "b-but- but what if-" he shushed me and took my hands in his

     "its okay...no matter what, i'll be there for you. if they dont love you for who you are, then they can go fuck themselves, because youre an amazing guy, and they dont know how lucky they are to have you as a son." he looked me dead in the eyes...a few tears fell down my cheek and he kissed my tears away...im so lucky to have him..

       i took a deep breath and finally stood up, nodding at him that i was ready to tell them. he let go of my hands and we walked downstairs. i was so scared...i was so so so so scared......what if my parents stop loving me? oh god...what if they stop me from seeing laxus ever again??? so many thoughts ran through my head as we reached the bottom of the stairs and walked to the living room, where my parents were on the couch.

       "mom, dad...?" i asked nervously

     "yes freed?" my mom asked, looking at me.

       "i have something to tell you..."

        my dad piped up "do you finally have a girlfriend?"

       i winced a little and laxus nudged me. i took a deep breath and spoke nervously "n-no...b-but i have a ......a b-boyfriend..." i took laxus's hand nervously, gripping it tightly.

        there was a silence before they were both histericly laughing "for a second there i thought you were serious!!" my dad blurted out, laughing

          "b-but-...i-im telling the truth!!!" i shouted. i didnt mean to shout...they stared at me, their laughing had imidiantly stopped. they were glaring daggers at me, my mom started crying as my dad comforted her

      "get out." my dad stated with rage


      "YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES TO PACK YOUR SHITTY THINGS, GET. OUT!" he yelled at me and i teared up, running up the stairs, laxus following me....i just cried on my bed as laxus comforted me, helping me pack all my things and even carrying most of it for me...we walked to the door and my parents didnt even say a word, they just looked at me with disapointment...we walked out and i just started sobbing....and sobbing...thats when i heard a car horn and looked up, i saw sting and rogue....

      "bout time you got here sting, this shit is heavy" laxus carefully placed my things in stings cars trunk. i stood there confused until sting spoke up.

         "laxus just texted me about what happened..sorry dude, but from now on you can stay at casa de drayer!!!!" he said happily

       i couldnt help but cry more...it was a mixture of happiness and sadness, they were so kind to me.... i got in the car and laxus sat next to me, comforting me the whole time and i couldnt stop thanking him and sting.

       we finally got to the drayer household, laxus got my bags out of the trunk, of course i offered to carry something but sting and rogue said they'd get the rest. i walked into the house after them, it wasnt much, kinda messy, but i could tell it was full of love. they put my bags in an upstairs room and i couldnt stop thanking them over and over again for their hospitality, of course i thanked rogue for helping out as well!

      i had been on the couch calming down, watching tv with laxus when i heard a shout from the kitchen "LAXUS YOU DICK!!"

      "WHAT IS IT NOW?!" laxus yelled back, i couldnt help but giggle a little when sting tackled him.

    "YOU ATE MY HOT POCKET!!!!!!" he was so pissed, i just laughed and laughed as they argued. they stopped and stared at somethign, i followed their gaze to see mr.drayer, eating a hot pocket. sting started fake crying "NOOOOO GRAMPS YOU ATE MY HOT POCKETS!!!!!" then laxus slapped him in the back of the head. mr.drayer just laughed along with us all. i think im going to like it here.

[[[[[[[[authors note]]]]]]

wow!!! that gave me feels and i was the one writing it! but anyways, what will happen now that freed lives under the same roof as these crazy siblings?! find out next time on total drama island! wait- what? wrong show? oops!

Fiore high { fraxus, gratsu, stingue, and more }Where stories live. Discover now