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11:30 am ryan: im on the plane

8:30 am brendon: yayyyy im gonng see u in a couple hours

11:31 am ryan: yep

11:31 am ryan: we're getting ready to take off

08:32 am brendon: then turn off your phone dude

11:32 am ryan: ehhh

08:33 am brendon: ryan i would like to see you alive and not dead in a plane crash

11:33 am ryan: alright alright im turning it off 

08:33 am brendon: i'll see you later punk

11:34 am ryan: jerk

just a note whenever i put "am" or "pm" it's just to clarify what time so it works with the plot

sleeping pills and timezones ↻ rydenWhere stories live. Discover now