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02:05 ryan: brendon

11:25 brendon: what

02:25 ryan: i'm gonna ignore the fact you took 20 minutes to reply but do u wanna skype?

11:26 brendon: eh my entire family is asleep and you know how my mom has that doors open at night rule so i don't think i can

02:26 ryan: oh

11:27 brendon: we can just still text if you want 

02:27 ryan: um sure 

11:28 brendon: so what were you going to talk about? 

02:28 ryan: my parents are fighting again

11:29 brendon: i thought they stopped?

02:29 ryan: well they're back at it

02:30 ryan: a neighbor called the cops on them today

11:30 brendon: oh shit

02:31 ryan: yeah

02:31 ryan: the police officer gave me his number so if i need help or need to talk i should call him

11:32 brendon: it was really that bad?

02:32 ryan: yea 

11:33 brendon: god i wish i wasn't on the opposite side of the country

11:33 brendon: and didn't have the stupid no doors open rule

02:34 ryan: it's alright bren

02:34 ryan: you don't need to protect me every time something bad happens

11:35 brendon: but this is more than something "bad"

11:35 brendon: i'm just so worried about  you

02:36 ryan: try to get some sleep, brendon

11:36 brendon: no i want to keep talking to you

02:37 ryan: i'm really fine, brendon

11:37 brendon: see you're doing that thing where you use my name in every sentence 

02:38 ryan: no i'm not

02:39 ryan: good night, bren

11:39 brendon: wait ryan please

11:40 brendon: we need to talk you can't just cut it off

11:40 brendon: fine

11:40 brendon: sleep tight ryan

11:41 brendon: love you

read by ryan 02:41 am

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