Truth be revealed.

Start from the beginning

"Yo, Jacob. When we gone start to eat. I'm hungry." Ray said coming into the living room.

"Once my mom gets here and she starts to fix food." Jacob said.

"Now can I hold Cj?" Romeo asked.

"Well I need him to be fed." you said.

"I'll feed him." Khalil said.

You didn't know what to say. You looked at him. Then you handed him the bottle and moved out the way. He sat on the couch next to Cj and turned the car seat toward himself. He grabbed the bottle and started to feed Cj gently.

"Jacob, I hear you bought a Ferrari. Where is it man?" Romeo asked.

"Oh, my baby's in the garage." Jacob said.

"Damn, can I go check it out?" Ray asked excited.

Everybody knew Ray was a car lover. He said he was going to have a car collection whenever he gets enough money to build a bunch of garages. And he was going to move to Philadelphia and keep the cars there.

"Yeah, man. We can take a test drive." Jacob said.

"I call first." Diggy protested.

Jacob, Ray, Diggy and Romeo left and it was just you and Khalil. You watched as Khalil fed Cj. He was so gentle, slow and it looked natural. You saw the resemblance Cj and Khalil had. It was little though. You didn't want to believe that Khalil could possibly be the father of Cj. You think back to the possiblities.

"What?" Khalil questioned, looking at you.

You didn't realize you were staring at him. You looked away quickly. He then chuckled to himself.

"Am I doing it wrong or something?" he asked.

"No, I was just thinking." you admitted.

"Oh, okay. Can I hold him now?" he begged.

You nodded your head. Almost too fast. He set the empty bottle on the table. He picked up Cj and awkwardly held him. You could tell this was his first time holding a baby. He held Cj's head and rocked him. He looked up at you and smiled. You saw that Cj smiled a little as Khalil rubbed his hair. It made you smile a little bit

"I can tell this is your first time holding a baby." you blurted.

He laughed and said, "Yeah, it's been a long while."

"I'm glad you and Jacob are cool. Sorry you had to see the bad side of him." you said.

"Yeah, he's a cool guy now that I've got to really know him."


You rolled over to the front door. You unlocked the door and opened it. Sam and Ashley stood at the door. You smiled.

"Hey guys! Glad you can make it." you said.

"Girl, anytime! Good to see you." Ashley said.

"You've been growing a lot! The baby must be a big one." you joked.

You three laughed. She leaned down and hugged you. Then Sam did the same thing.

"Hey Y/n. How you been?" he asked.

"Tired but great. You?" you asked.

"Taking care of my baby." he said.

He grabbed Ashley's hand and kissed her cheek.

"Awww. Come on in. Jacob's mom should be here soon." you said.

They followed you into the living room.

Jacob Latimore (A Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now