Far from over

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You wake up and all you could do is think of was you being pregnant. What are you going to tell Jacob and Sam? You look around and see your mom and dad, your aunt and uncle and your 3 cousins. You sit up on the bed.

"When were you going to tell us?" your mom asks.

"I-I just figured out when you did." you explain.

"Bull shit!" she yells.

She starts pacing around the room. You look at your dad who is holding his head. You aunt comes over and grab your hand.

"It's okay. You and the baby will be fine." she says trying to make things better.

Your mom scoffs. Then she comes by your bed.

"How about you take her because I'm not dealing with that MISTAKE!" your mom shouts.

"Fine with me! I don't want my child around you when you keep bitching!" you scream.

She slaps you in the face. You cup your face and look at her.

'Did this bitch.... Just slap me?', you think to yourself.

"Get the fuck out!" you yell.

She grabs her bag and storms out. Your dad leaves after her.

"You can stay with us, honey. For as long as you want." your aunt says.

Your cousin Ginger comes by your side and holds your hand for comfort.

"It'll be fun having you around. Like old times." Ginger says.

You both laugh. It had been fun hanging with her. You were now looking forward to living with them.

"Thanks aunt Rosa." you say.

"We're family. No problem. Just call me when you wanna leave." she says.

They say their goodbyes and leave. You lay back down and cry. What are you going to say to Jacob and Sam?

-------Four Days Later--------

Phone Conversation:

"Hello y/n." Aunt Rosa says.

"Hey, how are you?" you ask.

"Marvelous. How you holding up?"

"Pretty good."

"That's good. Are you done packing?"

"Yes ma'am i'm ready whenever you are."

"Okay I'll see you later."

End of Phone Conversation.

You get out of bed into your wheelchair and go downstairs to the cafeteria. You get your breakfast and eat at a empty table. You were kind of nervous to talk to the patients here. So you were always alone.

"Hey, how you holding up?" Louise asks.

"Good. I'm just ready to leave." you admit.

She laughs. "Everyone says that. I wish you good luck in taking care of your child." Louis says.

"Thanks Doc." you say.

Then she walks away. You try to turn your phone on but it's dead. So you finish eating and go to the computer lab. You walk up to the lady at the desk and ask for a charger. She gives it to you and you head back to your room. You open your door and see Sam.

'Ugh, what does he want' you mumble to yourself. You didn't plan on seeing him, or anyone. He turns around from the window and smiles at you. You ignore him and plug up the charger and charge your phone. You lay on your bed and he comes by you.

Jacob Latimore (A Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now