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Y/n p.o.v:

Jacob sighed. "You don't know how much I've missed you." He said.

"You can't imagine how much I've worried about you. But we need to talk." You said.

"I know. So, what's this about you and Roc?" he asked.

"Nothing. We just had a little get together. I only took that picture to get you mad. It worked." You said.

"Why did you want to get me mad?" he asked.

"Cause your stupid ass cheated on me and somebody took a picture. I knew yo ass would do it. I'm glad you were caught." You barked.

"What? I didn't cheat on you, Y/n. I never would. What picture you talking about?" he asked.

You pulled out your phone and went to the picture from instagram. You shoved the phone to him. He sucked his teeth and picked up the phone. He then looked at the picture. You saw how he squint his eyes at it.

"Yeah. Right there. You and Bahja. Caught. Explain, nigga." You said.

He smirked and handed you your phone.

"That's not me. But that's Bahja with a guy. I wasn't on the beach. I was at the shack playing games with the guys. Somebody owes me a apology." He said, raising an eyebrow.

You blushed from embarrassment.

"Sorry, baby. I didn't mean what I said. I know you wouldn't cheat. Please forgive me." You begged, hugging him.

"Alright. Alright. I guess I can forgive you. Only If you do one thing." he said.

"Mmhmm." You said.

"I need you to help me up." He stated.

"Out the bed?" you questioned.

You look at him. Jacob nods his head. You stand up.

"Are you crazy? What if you break something?" you asked.

"Y/n, I think I can handle pain. That's no problem." He reassured.

"Are you sure?" you asked.

"I want to be able to take you places and drive you to the salon and stuff. Not me having to be rolled through the mall and you having to drive me places." He said.

You sighed. "I understand." You said.

You get off the bed. You go to the left side of the bed. He sits up slowly biting his bottom lip.

Jacob groaned. A vein sticks out of his forehead. He uses his good arm to pull his legs to the ground.

"Wait. Can you move your feet at all?" you questioned.

He slowly wiggled his toes then, he shook his foot.

"Yes." He said.

You wrap your arm under his back. He wraps his broken arm around your neck. You slowly start to pull him up.

"Almost there," He groaned.

You straighten out his knees. He stood up and smiled.

"See, what did I tell you?" he said.

He takes a step and  loses balance. You quickly grab his waist before he tumbled forward. Then you laid him back on the bed.

"1. You heavy as fuck. 2. What did I tell you?" you stated.

Jacob laughed. "I'm going to pass the exam. I got a feeling."

"Good. I have one too." You said.

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