Chapter Eighteen: The Sneak out

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(This is right before they leave to Prom)

Madison was on a stool fixing Alex's bowtie. "You know," Maddie said. "I think you and Sadie would be a better couple than you and Hannah."

Alex looked up at her. "What? No we don't. Hannah isn't crazy." Madison rolled her eyes. "But Sadie loves you. I can tell. She could take care of you." Alex sighed. "I know. Hurry up, we're about to leave."

Maddie got down from the stool. "Okay bye Bub." Alex smiled at her. "Bye Maddie. Don't get into any trouble." Alex turned and hurried down the stairs.

Maddie stared at the doorway. "Yeah. Right.." Maddie turned to the closet to see it creak open. Sally came out with a map and a paper that had the bus and subway times on it.

"So first." Sally started. "We're going to get on the bus that will drop us off right in front of the museum. Then we'll break in and snatch the things I need."

Maddie looked concerned. "Um. Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

Sally glared. "Of course I do, you idiot. I'm not stupid."

She folded the papers back up and put them in Maddie's pocket. "Now don't lose those. That's our only way of getting back here."

It was only 5 blocks away, but Maddie just nodded. Sally looked at her. "Now it's time for you to unlock the window so we can get out."

"I already unlocked it like an hour ago."

Sally smiled at her. "Good. You're starting to finally think like me."

Maddie's shoulders dropped and her mouth tugged into a frown as she heard that. She knew what she was doing was wrong but she was scared of Sally. So she didn't say anything.

Sally opened the window and looked at Madison, "Well jump out the window so they won't expect anything." Madison nodded and looked at the ground.

This isn't what she wants, isn't it? She looked at herself in the mirror. Do I really want this?

"Come on!" Sally said, causing Madison to lose her train of thought. Sally jumped out the window and landed in the bushes. Madison sighed and jumped out the window also. Being upstairs, she didn't know she jumped 6 feet into the bushes.

"Ow." She yelped covering her bloody knee with her hand. "Don't hurt yourself, you'll ruin your body." Sally said digging in her pocket and pulling out a Band-Aid to put over her knee.

Madison gave her a confused looked and said, "What, ruin myself?" Sally looked at her, "Yes because you won't be able to walk." Sally walked out of the bushes with Madison following her.

They stopped at the bus stop. Sally laid lifeless on the bench as the bus began to come. Madison picked up Sally and got on the bus. The bus driver looked at Madison confused, "Where's your mother? Aren't you too young to ride on a bus all by yourself?"

Madison froze for a second but brushed it off and said, "Oh that's because I'm meeting her at the subway that's next to the museum." He looked at her one last time and said, "That will be a lot of money for you. Probably 5 dollars. Too bad you don't have it."

Madison smiled and dropped the money in jar. The man looked at the money at the bottom of the jar and huffed.

Madison kept smiling and walked down the isle of the bus and sat down in a seat. It was nearly empty, no one was usually on the bus at night.

Sally looked at Madison, "Soon we will be one. I mean as Queens... you know." Madison nodded and looked out the window.

After the long drive, the man stopped the bus at the subway. Madison said, "Thank you," to the man as he nodded his head as if he was saying, 'you're welcome.'

The bus drove off leaving Madison and Sally alone in the dark.

Hey guys hoped you like it sorry for the late update and any mistakes!

Question of the day: What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

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Twitter: Daisha_Cristina

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Dai'Sha: Daisha_xx

Dai'Sha: Dai_xx

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Cristina: Cristina_Tovar

Dai'Sha: Daisha_Curlin


Return of Sally (Sequel to Sally) (Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें