Chapter Seven: Grandma's word

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As she stepped on one of the old stairs of her great grandma's house, she waved goodbye to her mother the drove out of the driveway and left. Once she was at the door, she knocked with a handle on the door.

Since her grandmother was so old fashioned, she never really changed anything.

This house has been here ever since her grandpa Scott, was born. It was a shame she never got to meet him. Madison loved this house.

Her grandmother opened the door. The wrinkle-eyed woman smiled and said, "I'm happy you're here, please come have a seat." Madison sat down on one of the couches.

Her grandmother handed her a piece of candy. "So how was your day?" Madison frowned and cleared her throat. "Not so good my dance teacher died." Her grandmother gasped. "Oh my. I'm so sorry but she is in a better place now."

Madison ate the candy and said, "Well I guess." Suddenly her grandmother frowned at her. Madison looked up and asked, "What's wrong grandma."

Her grandma walked over to her and grabbed the necklace that Madison had on her. Her grandma got the necklace for Madison on her birthday. Madison looked down at it. The necklace was rusted.

Madison looked at the horror in her grandma's eyes. She frowned and said, "I'm sorry it must have rusted when I was in the rain or something, my mom has some rust remover."

Her grandmother shook her head and walked to the window, "Madison, it not rusted because of the rain. It's rusted because you're in danger!"

Madison looked alarmed. "In danger how?" Her grandmother shrugged and said, "I don't know."

She stopped talking as she heard shifting noises.

She whispered so only Madison could hear her, "There is something watching you and it wants something that you have, a girl whispered to me and told me to tell you to watch the necklace. Its evil!"

Madison knows her grandmother is a psychic. "Why?" Her grandmother said, "I don't know but there is this little girl with the rarest eyes and short brown hair, she tells me the tiny one is watching."

Madison thought to herself, 'What does she mean by the tiny one.' And who was the little girl with the rarest eyes?

Madison's eyes trailed to her backpack. Madison shrugged, 'Maybe it's just something that will happen in the future.'

Her grandmother smiled at her and said, "Oh well, let's not worry about that, come in the kitchen. I made some cookies!" Madison smiled. "YAY cookies!"

Her grandmother followed her in the kitchen not before looking at her backpack and whispering, "Are you sure Scott..." Madison walked over to her grandmother, "Grandma what are you doing?"

Her grandmother looked at her and smiled, "Oh nothing, I'm just thinking, now come on." She slightly pushed Madison in the kitchen not before taking one last glance at Madison's bag.


After they finished their cookies, they walked back to the living room and sat down. Madison plopped down in her favorite chair and watched talk shows.

Her grandma was happy that her granddaughter was here with her but she knew something was wrong. She kept hearing something.

'She is in danger'

'You must watch her'

'Watch the d-'

DING DING DING! Both Madison and her grandmother jumped they looked up to see the grandfather clock at 11 p.m. Her grandmother looked at her.

"Oh my! Look at the time I guess it's time for you to go to bed Maddie." Madison groaned and yawned, "But grandma can I stay up a little longer?" Her grandmother shook her head, "No it's time for bed." Madison sighed. "Okay then."

Madison went upstairs not before taking her bag with her. She took a shower, put on her pajamas, brushed her teeth, and went into her old grandfather's room.

As she was laying on the bed, her grandmother walked in and said, "Alright now lights out." Madison sat up, "Alright love you." Her grandma smiled, "Love you too." She cut the lights off and closed the door.

Madison laid down and went to sleep.


Madison dream was very strange she was dreaming of setting someone free. She tossed and turned in her sleep. Her great grandma was in her own room and went to sleep too but for some reason, she was not sleeping well.

She kept hearing someone whisper in her ear. 'Wake up she is watching.'

Madison's grandmother shot up from her sleep and looked around her room.

'Who am I talking to?' she said in her mind. 'It's me, Jenny.' The grandmother remembers the purple-eyed girl, 'yes what is it.'

All of a sudden, she saw a ghost figure of the girl in front of her. Her eyes widen, she never seen a ghost before. Jenny looked at her, "You must save her!" The grandmother looked at her, "who are we talking about."

Jenny ran out the room not before turning to the old woman and whispering, "Follow me." The grandmother got out of her bed and followed the girl. She saw the little ghost girl walk through the door connecting to Madison's room.

The grandmother opened the door to Jenny missing but Maddie was in her bed. Her grandmother walked to Madison and kissed her forehead. She felt something under her arm.

She raised the blanket up showing a doll in little Madison's arms. She looked upon the doll, which the doll's eyes were closed. Her grandmother could feel the evil ego of the doll.

She could feel something was up.


As the morning came about, sweet little Madison woke up and saw Sally in her hands watching her. Madison did not remember getting Sally out of her bag.

She looked at Sally, "Why are you watching me." Sally smiled at her, "I was just seeing if you were having a good sleep." Madison made a face and just got out the bed.

"MADDIE, YOUR MOTHER IS HERE TO PICK YOU UP!" Sally walked to Madison bag and got in it. Madison went to the bathroom and got freshen up and change into some comfortable clothes.

Her grandma walked in and gave her a Pop tart, "Here you go dear." Madison smiled and grabbed it.

She took a bite into the Pop tart, "Thanks, grandma." She hugged her and got her bags. She was about to walk out the door, "Madison wait." Madison looked at her grandmother who had a bracelet; she put the bracelet on her wrist.

Madison looked at the bracelet in had a cross, a small bottle filled with holy water and a dreamcatcher. Her grandmother then said, "You will need to wear this at all times, NEVER take that bracelet off."

Madison nodded and walked out the door, "Remember Madison watch your surroundings."Her grandmother yelled as Madison walked to the car.

Madison got in the car to see Alex in the back with her, Diana, and Angela in the front. Alex smiled and said, "So how was grandma's." Madison smiled, "It was fun." Angela started to drive home.

Madison looked out the window and remembered Grandma's words.

A/N Hey guys, so sorry we were late with the update but its here now! So yeah we hope you enjoyed it!


Daisha: Daisha_xx

Cristina: cristina_tovar

~Cristina & Dai'Sha

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