30: You Find Out Marcel Was A Vampire

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Imagine: You live in New Orleans and have only just moved there. But you were an outside, from New York to be exact. They say that New York is the town that never sleeps but it is nothing compared to New Orleans, there is festivals every single day. You have lived here for one day now and you decided to go adventuring. But you were in a complicated relationship with Marcel Gerard, and you were hoping to avoid him.

"Phone, money and key." You murmur under your breath as you check that you have the essentials on you. To be honest, you had no idea what you were going to do today - or what was in store for you either. After you checked your outfit in the mirror, you strolled out of the door as you locked it behind you. The city was still celebrating last nights festivities, and colour was bursted everywhere. Jazz music was playing, loud and clear for the whole city to hear. It was like a dream, but not so vivid.

"Rosseau's is an odd bar name." You mutter as you push the door open, strolling inside as new music begins to play but from inside the room. A barrister asks you what you want to drink, and you replied Malibu and Coke. Her name was Camille, it was such a divine name.

"You're new," She stated as she looked you up and down, "Welcome to New Orleans."

"Thanks." You replied awkwardly, moving the glass in your hand before peering down at it. But something - or someone was on your mind. The barrister could tell, and she walked over to you again.

"Are you okay? I know you don't know me but some times it's good to have a girl to girl chat." Camille said, and you looked up at her. Marcel had sometimes been distant with you, disappearing ever so quickly nobody would think he was there. Once, you had cut yourself and he could not look at the blood - but that may have just been a phobia or something.

"Things are complicated with this guy," You admit to her as you realised that she will not know who you are talking about, "We was getting somewhere once, I thought he might have been the guy for me. But we haven't spoken since and it makes me wonder if it was worth it." The barrister smiled weakly, feeling sympathy for you. She ignored the people wanting to order a drink, and focussed on you. What a good friend, you thought.

"Does this guy have a name?" She asked, obviously expecting an answer. Part of you wondered if she knew him, but New Orleans is a massive city and names are hard to remember around here. So why not?

"Marcel Gerard. He lives here and I came here to start a new leaf, but not when somebody I care for deeply could be just around the corner." You sighed, downing the drink and pushing a couple of dollars towards the barrister.

"Keep the change." You added, standing up from your seat and walking towards the door. Camille followed you quickly, at almost unnatural speed.

"What the hell?" You whispered, backing away from her and accidentally stepping into a man. He turned around and veins were bulging out from under his eyes, he snarled baring perfect white fangs. You wanted to scream but it wouldn't make it's way out from your throat. So you ran out the door, keeping to long strides and a fast pace. Then you bumped into someone.

"Calm down, why are you running?" A voice asked from above you. It was a familiar voice, and as you looked up from his chest you saw his face. He stepped back and held you wrists in his hands.

"I-It was all too much," You stuttered, realising that the only person you wanted to confide in was Marcel, "Their faces changed and they were fast..." Your voice trailed off and you heard a gust of wind behind you. They were here, and Marcel knew that. He pulled you to his side, looking at them all in disgust.

"Guys, not her. I told you that you feed on the outsiders, compel and then forget. She lives in New Orleans, search the borders if you're hungry. If you break those rules, the punishments are strict. Yes, a witch made us all feel hungry and that our insides are burning from the insides but the blood bags are at my place. You don't feed." Marcel told them and you part from him with your heart racing. This was his secret, he knew about vampires and he is one. Marcel Gerard is a vampire. Your breathing was quickened and you felt yourself becoming dizzy, the man you loved was dangerous. The vampires still snarled at you, ignoring his speech. He stepped forward and glared at them.

"Not her." He bellowed, flashing his under eye veins.

"Run, I'll explain this all later." He told you, and you did - you ran home.

Everything would be explained at last.

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