29: Kai Wakes You From A Magical Coma

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Imagine: You loved Enzo, but then he turned against you and put you in a sleeping coma. You would not age or rise until you were somehow unlinked from whatever may be keeping you down. For years you had dreamed about killing Enzo and a better life, but you never knew that life would begin by finally waking up.

You gasped, your eyes opening for the first time in years. How long had it been since you were awake? A silk was surrounding you, a coffin. For a second you nearly screamed, but what did you expect? For Lorenzo St. John to keep you inside the bed you were put into a sleep in. You were in a house, one that was more modern than the one you and Enzo once shared. After you regained strength within your arms you pushed yourself up into a seating position. You were extremely wary of who woke you.

"Hi." A male voice said to your right, making you jump and your heart beginning to race.

"How am I awake?" You stuttered, hearing your voice. Sweet and innocent, just like you. You were human, not a vampire, wolf or witch. The man looked at you with a smile, and he stood up.

"Aren't you getting out of this coffin or what?" He asked, and you furrowed your eyebrows.

"That is no way to speak to a woman." You informed him, pouting. He rolled his eyes, grabbing your hands into his. In that instant you suddenly felt the cold covering your body and you began to shiver.

"It's the 21st century, just get out of it." He snapped and you did as he asked, stepping out to be confronted with other people. They were not there before, somebody had cloaked them. Suddenly you were self-conscious, peering down at  your ball gown before you saw the other girls with more revealing outfits. Then you spotted someone you knew.

"Katerina?" You asked, walking up to her but she stepped back.

"Elena Gilbert. I'm Katherine's doppelgänger." She told you, and you could hear in her tone of voice that she was not Bulgarian. She was from the small town named Mystic Falls.

"Now tell us who you are. We really hope your first day should not begin with torture." The male that woke said from behind you. You were feeling dizzy, seeing and hearing so many things at once - it was weird.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N. Tell me where Lorenzo is." You knew it was the 21st century but you wanted to awaken the feisty side of you. Suddenly he grabbed your hand and an electric flowed through you.

"Kai Parker, it's nice of you to ask my name." He told you and you blushed.

"Sorry, Kai..." His name was different, unlike the ones from the 1800's. From the feeling gave you when he took your hand it was as if he was magical but not. He was definitely a syphon. Behind the doppelgänger you saw a woman, she was roughly the same size as Elena. Her short brown hair suited her well, at least it had not gone out of style. She looked nervous, almost as if she were weary of you.

"Who are you? Why are you looking at me in that odd way?" You asked her, stepping past Elena Gilbert and towards her. Her hands were shaking and she raised them, about to cast a spell to push you away - but then she stopped.

"I'm Bonnie Bennet and I don't think you're going to like me." She told you and you sighed. You placed a arm on her shoulder and for a minute she nearly moved away from your touch, but instead she stared at you sternly.

"Why wouldn't I like you Bonnie Bennet? I think it was your ancestors you imprisoned me in that inadequate box. But I'm the forgiving type." You compromised, and she stood straighter and fiercer than before.


"His chosen a more modern and feisty name, I like it." You interrupted and she exhaled aggressively. Bonnie was going impatient, and she stepped closer towards your coffin for some bizarre reason.

"Enzo and I are a thing. As in dating, boyfriend and girlfriend, both significant others-"

"I get it," You snapped, obviously you had not been gone before the times of lovers, "Me and Lorenzo had a thing but then he forced me to sleep. I'm pretty sure that you're in my good books, whereas the bastard isn't." You turned around, storming in the direction that you assumed was the front door. Behind you there were muttered, and suddenly a vampire had sped in front of you.

"Move." You demanded, your eyes set on the door behind him.

"No." He replied and for a second you were just staring at each other, trying to persuade him to let you go.

"Damon, let her go. She's been in a box for god knows how many years and she needs to unwind." Elena said from behind you. He sighed, but stayed in the same place.

"I'm not letting her go if she's going to make my best-friend into a pile of ash." The man obviously known as Damon replied, and suddenly his head was ringing and he clung onto it. You turned around to see Kai holding out his hand, obviously casting a spell. You smiled at him weakly, noticing he was beaming at you in the same way. Two devils.

"Thank you, Kai."

"You're welcome, Y/N."

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