Chapter 11- The Library and The Mysterious Figure

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 Clary walked up the stairs to her bedroom with Alec, Jace and Isabelle. Isabelle was ranting about Magnus' outfit and other Downworlders' attire at the party, the others forced to listen.

"Sparkles, they're the thing, boys. Magnus already knows what's in. I think its about time that you knew too." She smirked and walked to her door. "Alec, I personally think that you would look great in a cerulean scarf. It would really play up your...drab ensemble." she finished, eyeing Alec's clothes with disgust.

"Well, excuse me if I prefer to be functional rather than fashionable." Alec glared down at his sister. He opened his door and shut it in Isabelle's face.

Isabelle continued down the hall with Jace, stopping at Clary's door. "Grump," she muttered. Clary snorted, attempting to contain her laughter.

"I heard that." Alec's muffled voice came through the wall. They all giggled. Alec rolled his eyes and opened the door. "I'm not happy about being made fun of," he crossed his arms.

"We're not making fun of you..." Jace trailed off, glancing to the left. Isabelle nudged his arm.

"The eyes drifting to the left? Really? Because I'll definitely believe you when you show that sure trait of lying." Alec smirked.

"Oh shove off," Jace walked further down the hall and around the corner. "I'm gonna hit the sack." His voice ran down the corridor.

"Me too. We've had a rather long night. I don't like having run-ins with vampires when I'm in the middle of having fun," Isabelle opened her door and disappeared behind it. Clary turned to Alec, who was still standing in the doorway.

"Vampires and blood-written messages in one day. Yeesh," she crossed her arms, uncomfortably. She looked at the floor.

"Yep. Things certainly got more interesting when you got here," Alec laughed dryly. "But the best thing you can do about it is get some sleep," he smiled slightly.

"Yeah...." Clary trailed off. "...that is if I can get any." She muttered.

Alec sent her a concerned look. Clary sighed and went behind her door, then closed it. Her mind raced. All that had happened in that day kept her brain from shutting down. She closed her eyes and tried to be tired.

"Sleep. You want to sleep. You are tired and you want to sleep." She groaned. "Nothing is working. I even bet that Simon's pointless rambling wouldn't do anything.....much like his encanto." She sat up and opened her eyes. She glanced around the room again. Her eyes landed on her seraph blade that sat on her desk. "Maybe I can kill some time training." she got up, dressed into some workout clothes and took her blade to the training center, as well as her bag, which consisted of her sketchbook, phone, some small weapons, and her pencils. She went down the stairs quietly. She reached the training center.

Clary began to reach for her seraph blade, but instead, her eyes drifted over to a bow that was on the weapons rack. "I need some work on my aim." She put down the blade and went over to the bow and arrows. She took a quiver and threw it over her back, and grabbed the bow. She went over to the targets. She pulled out an arrow and lined it up with the small black dot that was more than few good yards away from her. Clary pulled back the string. She stood and focused, just like Alec had taught her a while back. She released the string and listened to the arrow make impact with its target. She opened her eyes.

"Yes!" She smiled and pumped her fist. She was closest to the bullseye she had ever been: just a few centimeters away. "Thanks, Alec," she muttered under her breath. She grabbed another arrow, and pulled back the string again. This time, she watched the arrow fly. It hit even closer than last time. "Yes! Yes!" She was about to shoot another, when her eyes caught on a camera that was on a bench. Clary put the bow over her shoulder and walked over to the camera. She turned it on and looked at the recent shots. It was the picture of the blood written message. Clary frowned.

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