Chapter 7- Reminiscence

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"Well, Jace. It's what you wished for. There are ways to forget."

Jace shot up on his bed, the final words of his odd and crazy dream echoing in his mind. He was breathing hard and sweating. The last time I had a dream like this was when I was a little kid. He shook his head, trying to get rid of any residue left over from the realistic nightmare. Yeesh. He rubbed his eyes, getting the sleep out of them, then massaged his temples, attempting to ease the headache. I hate dreams like that. Those are the ones that make me shake inside and out, giving me a sensation that can only be described as "ick!"

The vampire fight was the first thing to come to his mind. He had left her. He, Jace, had left Clary on her own against three vampires. Alec had been there for her and helped her, which had made Jace scared, for both Clary and Alec. It would scare the crap out of me if something like that actually happened. Jace let himself wander a little bit further through his mind about the dream. And what was the deal with Alec and Clary in that weird...side dream that I had? She kissed him, like what the heck? That was one of the things that made Jace's blood boil in hardly the slightest. Alec was his parabatai, and to have the person that you love being in love with the person that you trust most is one of the first steps to a ruined relationship.

On the subject of Alec and Clary, that led Jace to Isabelle's role in his whacked dream. She was begin completely delusional: talking about some sort of training plan that involved Clary and Alec in the ranged weapons and dream sketches! Jace was so mad at her at the time that he took it out on Alec by calling his brother's door a "hunk of wood" that barely passed as a functional door. Jace frowned at the thought. He let himself come back to the sketch. He had seen Clary drawing it in the dream, and it had some sort of significance to Isabelle. It was Alec, which was what made him so weirded out by it. He had acted extremely out of hand. Seriously, if I acted the way I do in my dreams in real life, my life would be a mess.

Jace continued to think about his crazy dream and-Isabelle. She also had this insane theory that Clary liked Alec just because she had drawn him in that drawing. And the worst part about that entire thing?! I couldn't even tell anybody! If I did, then Izzy would've had me for it!.....Wait, if it was a dream, why didn't I just do it anyway? Jace rolled his eyes at the actions that he did in the dream. But I did tell Hodge....but I didn't tell him that it was Clary that I was talking about..... I just said it was "a girl." Take that, Isabelle! Jace smirked and began laughing, but then stopped.

"Hodge had injected me after I told him what was going on." He muttered to himself. speaking for the first time that morning. "Why would he do that?" Jace began thinking again.

Was it something that I said while I was talking that made him want to do that to me? Did I stir up old memories from when he was with Valentine that he didn't want to remember?

"It was when I mentioned forgetting that he started to become a creepy mess," Jace muttered again. "Perhaps he went through the same thing and wanted to help me, even though I had just used the wrong choice of words to describe what I felt? Or is it something different entirely that involves nothing about past experiences and it's just Hodge wanting to help me but being uncomfortably creepy while doing it?" Jace pondered quietly. "No, that last option doesn't make any sense. Hodge has never been creepy while helping me, Alec, or Izzy." Jace laid back down, glaring at the ceiling, hoping it would give him ideas. "Ugh! Forget about why! Where did he even get the serum? He said he got it from some 'special friend..' Like how much more vague could you get? How did he know that it would work? Was it like, certified and approved? By who?....If it was.." Jace sighed. He began knocking his knuckles to a rhythm that he made up on the side panels of his bed, deep in thought.

Did Hodge ever lose alliance in Valentine? Does he know where he is? He was in the inner parts of the Circle...

"And even if he was still in contact with Valentine, what would that mean? Why would that even matter? Why would any of this matter?" Jace massaged his temples again, trying to soothe the headache that was getting worse the more he dwelled on the dream. "Am I seriously getting worked up over a dream? Is this really what my shadowhunter life has left me to do with my free time?" Jace silently scolded himself. "That's it! I'm done!" Like I said. Jace thought. "Ick."

Suddenly, something clicked inside of Jace's brain. It was so small, however, that he could barely hold on to the concept. "What if....what if Valentine was the one who gave Hodge the serum? What if Hodge was in league with Valentine the entire time?! What if-"

"Jace....?" Alec asked from downstairs, worriedly. Jace snapped out of his thoughts and came back to reality.

"Yes?" he yelled back in a wary tone.

"Get down here you need to see this...."

I am so sorry that I have been gone for so long! I skipped Independence Day because I'm not supposed to use my computer on that day, and the next Monday, my computer was out of commission due to being frozen and in need of an update. I also apologize for this chapter not having much and being mostly a recap. I did this so that I could find a way to connect what I have into my planned ideas. Also, I have realized that most of the chapters lately have revolved around Jace. That should, however, be changing soon within the next few chapters.

I will try to update next Monday if I can.

Thank you for reading! Anybody who's left! It means a lot to me. If you want to read more of my other stories, those should be updating soon as well. If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask them on my profile.

Love & Revengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें