Chapter 9- Before the High Warlock's Party

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 Alec stood at the shooting range in the training room, letting time pass until that ridiculous party. He reached behind his shoulder and grabbed an arrow from his quiver. He placed it on the bow and pulled back the string. He took aim and breathed out as he released. The arrow hit the bullseye. Alec stood, not being surprised in the slightest. He reached behind his shoulder again, and took the next arrow. He pulled back, letting any nagging thoughts travel into the arrow. He was about to release the arrow and the thoughts attached, then Isabelle burst in behind him. Alec's quick reflexes took him over. He turned and released. Isabelle gasped as she dodged the arrow.

"Alec! Watch where you shoot those arrows!" she yelled at her brother.

"Sorry." he muttered in reply.

"You need to get ready. We'll be leaving in a little bit." Isabelle told him.

"Okay." he said.

"Don't be so reserved! This is gonna be fun! Plus, if you don't, Jace and I will make fun of you not just because you're as stiff as a board, but because you bailed." Isabelle smiled at him as the two walked down the hall towards Alec's room. "Alec? Why do you still have your bow?" Isabelle raised an eyebrow at her brother.

"Just because we're going to a party doesn't mean that we have an excuse to not to bring weapons." Alec clutched his bow, scared that his sister might try to pry it from his grip.

"Alec, it was in our deal that you wouldn't bring your bow."

"No, the deal was that I wouldn't sit in a dark corner with my bow at the ready," Alec smirked. "I can bring my bow, I just can't be in a shadowy corner."

"I hate the loopholes that you make." Isabelle scoffed, Alec rolled his eyes and smiled. The two continued down the hall. They passed a window, and Isabelle stopped.

"Izzy?" Alec asked.

"I love nighttime. It's my favorite. It's the perfect time for a party." she smiled with slight lust.

"Nighttime is the time that demons and Downworlders roam the streets. Nighttime is the time that I truly need to protect those I care about." Alec looked out the window next to Isabelle.

"You're always so solemn. Which is the exact reason you need to be at this party tonight. And if I didn't know any better, I'd say you be going in an old sweater and worn jeans." Isabelle smirked at Alec as they began to walk again. Alec laughed sheepishly.

"Wh—what's wrong with that outfit?" he bit his lip.

"What's wrong? That's not what you wear to a party, Alec! I'll help you pick out something. I helped Clary, and if I do say so myself, she looks killer." Isabelle flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"That's nothing new," Alec looked at Isabelle.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what I said. It's no new concept that you applaud yourself on your styling skills." Alec scowled.


"What did you think I meant?!" Alec said, confused.

"Nothing." Isabelle said shortly. Alec raised an eyebrow, but decided to sweep it under the rug. Isabelle opened the door to his room. Oh no. Alec thought, knowing what was coming for him. "I'm thinking a button-down shirt with silk pants and—"

"How about no. I still want to be able to defend myself should the occasion arise." Alec cut her off.

"What about a t-shirt with a leather jacket and jeans? Okay? Are you happy now?" Isabelle said sarcastically, crossing her arms.

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