Chapter One

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"CUT! That's a wrap. Good job everyone!"

It was Sam's last day of shooting for the music video of his latest single. It's been a year since he debuted and even since then he just releases singles, not a whole album. But lately there's been a talk inside his company that they're planning on producing one for him. If it's true then it would be a big deal.

"Sam, we need to go to the office tonight. The president wants to talk to you.." His manager said as he was packing their stuff.

"What about?"

"I'm not sure. He just told me to get you there."



SAM sat in front of the president's big desk. He's been in this company for a year and he believes it as a big blessing. The whole company is a family, every artists signed there are nice and most especially talented. It makes the competition fiercer and harder but he likes the challenge.

"I know you heard about the rumors flying around that we're planning to produce your first full album..."

"Yes, but I don't want to assume anything so..."

" you're planning to just be mum about it?"


The president loudly laughed. He was not expecting that answer especially from Sam who's very opinionated especially about his craft.

"It's true", the president confirmed.

Even though Sam knew that it's gonna happen sooner or later, the shocked expression that appeared on his face confirmed that it's really gonna happen.

The company started to plan the album release a couple of months ago because the fans started to ask questions about it. Sam has been around for a few months and it's the perfect time for it.

"Seriously? Woah! I... Oh my god... T-Thank you so much! I'll do my best."

He bowed in front of the president and eagerly takes his hand as a sign of gratitude. This man gave him a chance, believed in him so much. He wouldn't let him down.

"I suggest you better start writing some songs, a lot of people have been waiting for this. From the looks of it it's gonna be a hit. Well, when it comes to you, people --especially girls are eager."

The president said, chuckling at the last sentence.

"Prez, I have a lot of male fans too, you know."

"That's because your guitar skills are superb, they usually watch you for that..." Still laughing, the president opened the drawer and took a piece of paper.

"By the way, Immortal Songs invited you. This is a list of the songs that you can choose from. Listen to all of them and pick one that you want to do. I need your confirmation next week. The shoot will be happening three weeks from now, I'll just talk to your manager about it."

"That's great! Thanks!"


IT has been two weeks since that talk, I started a few melodies for the songs that I'm making but when I attempted to write the lyrics nothing was blank. I tried to write some words but when I read it afterwards it looks and sounds very forced and awkward.

In the past, I used to think about her whenever I make songs. She was my inspiration, words just flow naturally whenever I think about her, her smile, her laugh, even her frown and tears completes the song.

But now, nothing happened.

"What's wrong with me?"


"Sam, we need to go! We'll be late if we don't go now!" I heard my manager call me from the door.

"Okay, I'm here! Let's go!"

"Gosh! You're like a girl when it comes to dressing up."

I just gave a small laugh not taking it seriously. My manager is used to my slowness so he alots a big gap of time whenever we have a schedule. We're not going to be late...that's for sure.

We're on our way to the shoot for Immortal Songs. It's my first time on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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