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"Is she okay!?" i asked scared

"The baby is in stress, the cord is wrapped around the it's neck and the blood loss is causing problems for nikki." the doctor said while preparing for the surgery

"What does that mean! just save my wife and baby." i said feeling tears run down my eyes

"We want to save both of them blake don't worry, we will save both." the doctor said cutting open nikki

"Nurse give me gause  and prepair the scissors." he said

"Also prepair the blood bags." he added

"Blood bags?" i asked

"We're gonna have to give her some blood since she lost so much." he said

i become numb i saw my wife life and my babies life rest in the doctors hand, looking at nikki i smiled thinking to when i first saw her, the second she found out she was pregnant and when we were married i kissed her face while my head hung next hers.

"Please pull through nikki, i love you angel if  it's a girl you can pick the name , i will go to every ballet recital or soccer or football games whatever it is you can pick and i will be there please just pull through.." i said into her ear.

it was only disrupted from a angelic cry that casued the room to go silent.

"Would you like to cut the cord?" he asked

i continplatted on letting go of nikki.

"yes." i said  letting go of her to go to our baby

i looked over and saw a beautiful baby boy, he was perfect  i could tell he already had nikki's nose.

i grabbed the scissors and cut where i was instructed soon enough he was taken away from me to be cleaned off.

i sat there watching the doctor stitch up nikkis tummy they had blood bags hooked up to one of the IV  she was connected to and they started wheeling her out to a bedroom.

"MR.Williams we moved nikki to her own room and we're gonna finish cleaning you son of then bring him there would you like to wait here with him or go to nikki." a nurse asked

i  mumbled a here, and watched them weight measure and dresss my son.

"Do you have a name for him?" she asked

"Aiden Nash Williams." i said still starring at him waiting to hold

"That's a beautiful name sir." hse said

"She picked it, cna i hold my soon now." i asked

"Of course, i'm gonna walk you two to the room is that okay?" she asked and i just nodded my head

"Here you go aiden this is your dad." she said giving me him

i felt a warm feeling comne over me the numbness was taken away i smiled looking into those big blue eyes

he definatly had nikki nose and mouth, but he had my big blue eyes and ears.  he smiled and started to do that baby gigle and i just snuggled him closer

Once i got tot he room i saw the doctor reading some papers.

"Ah Mr.Williams , so i've got some good new,and some bad which would youlike first?" he asked

"good news." i mumbled while holding aiden

"Your wife will recover perfectly nothing to serious, we are doing a blood transfution  and she will be better in no time we also gave her some pain medication. The bad new is she will be in here  for a while to make sure the stress her body had to handle is gone and she is fine." he said

"But other than that she is going to recover pefect." he finished

"Thank you doctor." i said looking up from aiden to him

"No problem congratulations and i will see you in a few." he said giving me a hand  shake

i sat in the rocking chair provided by the hospital  and just held aiden.

"You're  the perfevct baby, healthy in ever way, you're gonna play football like me or soccer and i will go to every game, and i'll take you fishing if you like that sort of stuff and we will go camping adn when you're old enought o have a girlfriend i'll be your wing man and hopefully you can get someone like your mom over there."  i said looking at him

"Man you're the perfect little baby." i said and he giglled with a big toothless smile

"Sir would you like to learn how to chagne hm?" a nurse asked

i nodded and made our way to the changing table.


Some time after that Aiden fell asleep and nikki still hadn't waken up

it gave me time to call our families and tell them the news, while the phone was dialing i sat there thinkin gwhat to say to her

"Hey honey  what's up."

"Hi mom"

"You okay sweetheart?"

"uh yeah were fine, um nikki went into labor  tonight and there were some problem... but it's okay now.." is aid  crying thinking of losing nikki

"Blake is  she okay, what hospital we're on oour way." she said in hystarics

"Oakwood, room 786 maternity. " i said

"Do you  need anytihng food coffee? "

"yeah  just something mcdonalds it doesn't matter."

"Alright honey were on our way we just locked up the house."

i just sat there and waited i went over to Aiden and started to hold him, he didn't make a fuss he just snuggled up to me and  i sat back down.


"Blake honey?" i heard my mom say knocking on the already opened door

"hi mom" i said still in sad mood

"Oh honey." she said coming over to me

"Hey son"  my dad said carrying food

"hi dad." i said back

"What's his name?" she said in awe

"This is Aiden Nash Williams, he is 6 pounds and  five ounces." i said giving him to my mom to hold

"Hi aiden, i'm your Grandma jessi." hse said while sitting down

"Good, job son." my dad said hugging  me

"She almost died dad." i said crying on his shoulder he rubbed me back adn told me everything is okay now.

and for a moment it made me think this is something i'm gonna be doing to my son, comforting him loving him and being there for him no matter what.

he let go of me and i explained what happend how it all started, then we ate and  talked  and just waited

waiting for nikki to wake up.

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