Untitled Part 14

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So after getting ready i checked my outfit out in the mirror, running my hands over the front of  my top smoothing it  over i grabbed my scarf, purse and keys.

we started to make our way out of the apartment,I take in their appearance how long Jordana's  hair  now reaches more than half way down her back, her piercing blue eyes still seem to strike me. she still has that perfect sport filled body shape from high school. And then there's Mo she recently cut her hair that once  reached her butt to now sit a little past her shoulders, her olive skin is still so beautiful an envious, both are dressed so effortlessly . We started making small talk until we got to the restaurant we waited till we were seated until  we finally started talking about what really has been going on with us i mean it almost have been six months.  

Mo is talking about her new studio for her  photography and she's letting us know that she has a art showing soon. 

looking over the menu, i automatically flip the pages towards the pasta. Reading what they have to offer  couldn't help but notice my mouth start watering from the options, i love pasta. mhmmm.

"Mo what're you getting?" Jords asked 

"Probably pasta, what about you guys?" she answers 

"Pasta! " i shout

"Hi i'm chip, i'll be your waiter can i start you off with something to drink?" he says smiling he perfect smile. we give him our drink orders and our lunch orders.

"Oh he's cute." i say  to them

"Yeah if you're going for a Chippendales worker." Jords retorts showing she's not interested

which i eye her down, because usually she's the first one to jump  for dibs 

"Hey it wouldn't be your first time." mo shots at jords 

they start arguing, jordan playing the victim card

"How the hell was i suppose to know that he was a stripper!" she said replying to an old flame

"He told you! when we were a the club, literally said i work across the street." Mo says while laughing 

i couldn't help but let a snort out, clearly Mo won this battle. we all erupt with laughter.

"Hey ladies two  chicken Alfredo's and one steak." he says placing our food down in-front of us.

more laughing erupts once he leaves.

"I'm excited, I feel like you guy's will actually like this display. " she says laughing while eating some pasta.

"Hey in our defense, the dark hallways and creepy waiting staff were the only thing i didn't like" Jordan says covering her mouth

I shake my head in agreement while grabbing my glass of water

Thinking back to the show, and how pregnant i was, me and blake were there with jords,aj,robby and one of blakes football friends Derek.

we felt like we were in an maze running around facing dead ends, god it was horrible the music made you feel like you were in an horror moving Blake almost came close to punching a waitress in the face cause she popped out at us. laughing at the memory.

"Yeah i love your work just that place was so...." trying to think of a word that won't hurt her feelings

"Weird? scary? " jordan says checking Mo making sure she didn't hurt her feelings

"Yeah, i know that was because of my manager Meegan" she said pronouncing her name with an annoyance

"whatever happen to her?" i ask

"Well since she destroyed my old studio, i haven't heard anything from her so your guess is as good as mine."  Mo says taking another bite and me following her lead

 Jordan was telling us about her and her new lust interest  at her office that she has been interning at, what started off as a copy room flirtation is now an relationship of two months. which makes sense of why she became all defensive toward chip poor guy...

"He's  so different, he's always making sure that i'm happy not contempt and he always wants my opinion on certain topics, like he likes to know how i think and feel about everything.. I've never had that." she says bowing her head with a blush on her cheeks. 

"Aw, jords you like him." Mo say's clasping her hands together.

"When can we meet him?" i ask

"Well he's been wanting to meet you guy's for a while now" she laughs 

"Should we plan a dinner date?" Mo  asks

"I mean i don't want to rush thing, Nikki has Aiden and Blake and Mo you're busy with your upcoming show." she says

I can tell she's nervous about us meeting him, but then i have an idea.

"What about you bring him to the art show! " i suggest taking a bite of my del

"Yeah jords! bring him to that everyone will be there and if my art freaks you out you and him can leave early." mo offers

"What even is his name?" i ask 

"Lo-Logan ..Collins." she says

"Jordana." Mo and i say in unison 

"Logan Collins as in CDC, the office you work for..." i say trying to pick my jaw up

"Yup that's the one." she says cutting her stake popping the P looking down

"How did that even happen!?" Mo asks

"Well after i started working there i was trying to change the printer ink in one of the break rooms and  it ended up breaking so i ran up to the 31st floor to use theirs and as i walk in i see this beautiful man in distress from not knowing what to do the machine is just beeping at him, I clear my throat and ask if i can help so i hit it and type in a code and it stops and starts working. he asks how he can repay me  ad i say no needs and he ends up buying me lunch and telling me that he fired his assistant, and then he's Logan Collins." she squeezes the last part out.

"Wow can i work there?" i asked laughing

"You have blake you don't need anyone else." She says.

With that we finish up our lunch, we end up going to the spa and after  that i make a quick call to jessi and ask her if she could watch Aiden for the night and she of course says yes, then with the answer i needed we end up at the mall  and head toward Victoria Secrete and i look for some sexy  outfit for my love. 


Hey guys! long time no read! i know i'm sorry i've been MIA things have been crazy in my life and it's no excuse but. i'm back and better than ever hopefuly this chapter can show you how much i have amped up my writing i hope you guys enjoy please leave comments  about what you thought!

-steph <3

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