Chapter Five

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Okk so all of you guys have been so nice

And sweet and i got 50 votes in one day and i think thats pretty amazing so im gunna give you another chapter cause i love you all so much thank you i hope you guys like the chapter :)

Annabeth POV

I laid in my bunk, Sleepless i just couldn't close my eye's, A tiny voice came from the bunk beside me.

"Annabeth, Are you okay", It was one of my younger siblings, Alice she was young only 10 years old but she is wicked smart she got herself half way to camp until a satyr found her and brought her to camp.

"Ya i'm okay Alice just thinking, Why are you still awake it's late".

"I keep having bad dreams", I could hear the fear in her voice. I through my blankets off and got up.

"Come on let's get some water it will help", I grabbed ahold of Alice's hand and walked to the Big House. We went to the kitchen, I poured Alice some water and handed to her, I heard voices coming from outside the kitchen i grabbed Alice and hide behind a counter cause if anyone found out sneaking out after curfew we would be dead meat. Two figures walked in one was Chiron and the other was 'Poseidon' Percy's father, what was he doing here.

"I would wish for you to get to the bottom of this Chiron", Poseidon said with a stern voice but i could see he was worried about Percy.

"As you wish Poseidon, but even if I do he has showed to the god's he can be a threat and dangerous and also to Kronos if he can get Percy on his side the war would be over with Percy's power he would be 'unstoppable'", What Chiron was saying was true Percy is pretty powerful but Percy would never go to Kronos side.

"You don't think I know that centaur, But no harm is coming to my son", Thunder boomed outside. "Its time for me to go don't disappoint me", Than Poseidon disappeared. Chiron walked back to Percy and I pulled Alice along and followed, I peeked in and saw Chiron taking blood from Percy it wasn't like normal blood it was ocean blue.

"Woah why is it blue like that", Alice asked.

"I'm not sure Alice, come on let's get back to the cabin", Alice grabbed my hand and we walked back to bed I tucked Alice in than laid down and finally fell asleep.

Percy's POV

All I hear were screams echoing around me than i woke up all around me was darkness i tried to get up but i was stuck, strapped down to my bed i screamed out but nobody came.

"Where am i", I asked to myself.

"In Tartarus", A familiar voice replied back than Annabeth stepped forward and a light shined on her.

"Annabeth, What are you doing?".

"Don't speak", She yelled at me i pulled on the strap's trying to escape, Something was wrong this wasn't Annabeth.

"Yes Percy this is me, You wanna leave you can't take the truth", She sat down on the bed.

"WHAT TRUTH", I yelled back which wasn't smart she grabbed my shirt and pulled me close to her face.

"The truth that you're no better than any monster out there, Worse than Kronos himself".

"NOO",I screamed. "THAT'S NOT TRUE".

"BUT IT IS PERCY, You are gunna rot in Tartarus forever and people are going to remember you as the evil son of Poseidon who can't even control his powers and hurts the one he love's".

"SHUTUP GO AWAY THAT'S NOT TRUE NOO", Than everything went black again. i laid my head down and held back tears, Was she telling the truth? am i a monster? i thought to myself. Than a bright light shined from the darkness.


The voices of all the people i loved came from the light, The straps that were holding me down, Broke. i jumped to my feet and ran to the light.


Okk im sorry this is really short but i will update again soon :) thank you guys so much vote, share, comment your guys comments make my day just knowing someone likes my story thank you <3

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