chapter 19 - No More Heartbreaks

Start from the beginning

From 3.18 "The Devil Comes Here and Sighs", in the alley, Aurora rushed to backhand punch Kaylin in the face with vampire speed and so much strength that she sent her flying across the alley, making her fall to the ground.

Lucien: (voice over from 3.18 The Devil Comes Here and Sighs) "I let Aurora loose, under my compulsion. And she should be on her merry way to Kaylin."

From 3.18 "The Devil Comes Here and Sighs", in the courtyard, Klaus, Elijah, Freya, Hayley, Mikayla and Nicola looked worried and shocked at the sight of Aurora and Kaylin.

Aurora ripped Kaylin's daylight bracelet off, pushing her into the threshold again, holding her restrained by her broken arm behind her back.

Kaylin continued to burn, and the threshold spell continued to try and push her out, causing her great agony.

Lucien: (voice over from 3.18 The Devil Comes Here and Sighs) "I can tell her to stop anytime that I want to, as long as you accept my proposal."

Klaus watched in angry horror. "Let her go!"

From 3.18 "The Devil Comes Here and Sighs", in Lucien's Penthouse, Lucien was still holding Kassandra in front of the security cameras from behind with one arm around her waist. He held up the vial with the serum with his other hand. Kassandra looked at the serum, drawn to it like she would have been drawn to blood, having it so close to her, starting to drink slowly.

Lucien: (voice over from 3.18 The Devil Comes Here and Sighs) "The only way for you to get what you want is to give me what I want."

From 3.18 "The Devil Comes Here and Sighs", in the compound, Aurora suddenly felt the compulsion lift from the distance, confused, faltering in holding Kaylin in her restraint. 

Klaus, Nicola, Hayley and Mikayla were able to rush past the threshold now that the boundary spell was down.

Klaus carried Kaylin inside into the dark of the compound.

Aurora broke Nicola's arm, pushing her to her knees. Elijah rushed up behind Aurora, snapping her neck, letting her fall unconscious.

Hayley: (voice over 3.18 The Devil Comes Here and Sighs) "Aurora's still out cold. What are the chances of keeping her that way?"

From 3.18 "The Devil Comes Here and Sighs", in the compound, Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra, Freya, Hayley and Mikayla were talking.

"Oh, my spell will keep her down long enough for Klaus and Kaylin to enact their vengeance on her," Freya answered.

From 3.18 "The Devil Comes Here and Sighs", in Lucien's Penthouse, Kassandra knelt to the floor to pick up the gun with the white oak bullet up. Elijah rushed toward Kassandra, grabbing her, rushing away.

Klaus stood, rushing toward Freya, grabbing her, rushing after Elijah and Kassandra as the siblings made their escape.

From 3.18 "The Devil Comes Here and Sighs", in the compound, Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra, Freya, Hayley and Mikayla were talking.

Mikayla looked at Kassandra. "You drank the serum." Kassandra nodded barely, looking down at the gun in her hands. "Kassandra, you have the means to kill yourself and become Lucien's equal."

From 3.18 "The Devil Comes Here and Sighs", in Elijah's study, Elijah and Nicola were talking.

"Is Kassandra gonna be okay?" Nicola asked.

Elijah sighed, somber, sitting down. "I don't know, Nicola."

"Will you?" Nicola asked. "If I knew how to make it better, I would."

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