Chapter Seventeen

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Kara closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She clenched the broom in her hand tighter, letting out her breath as she walked out onto the field with her team. Her quidditch robes flew out behind her due to the strong wind and rain pouring onto the pitch.

"Will I get anything if we win this match?" Kara grinned, moving her head into the crook of Lena's neck.

Lena let out a quick laugh. "I guess you'll have to see." She moved her legs to intertwine with Kara's. Kara pulled the blanket up to cover their bare bodies.

"You have to motivate me-"

"I've got something in store, don't worry."

Kara pulled the goggles down over her eyes. She looked over to where Mon-El was standing and gave him a thumbs up. He reciprocated and grinned.

Mon-El looked into the Hufflepuff stands and Kara turned to do the same. Lena was sitting next to Winn, Alex, and James. She was waving Kara's scarf over her head. Winn was holding up a sign that said 'THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!' with a small cartoon of Mon-El flying on a broom underneath the words.

Kara waved and smiled to the group, noticing the Slytherin hat on Alex's head and laughing. She looked over at Mon-El again, who was wiping tears out of his eyes. Kara's eyes found Lena's again. Lena gave her a knowing smirk and Kara swallowed dryly.

"Ready to go, team?!" Mon-El shouted to the group, hands cupped around his mouth.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone shouted back. Mon-El pumped his fist over his head.

"We're starting with attack two! Kara be ready for anything!" He said, patting a few players on the backs and looking at Kara.

"We've got a lot to lose." Mon-El whispered to her knowingly, and turned back to the group. "Hufflepuff on three! One! Two! Three!"


The team broke apart and everyone made their way to their correct positions on the pitch. Mon-El held up his beater's bat over his shoulder and swung it a few times, sending a thumbs up to the chasers in the front. He pulled his goggles over his eyes and closed them for a moment.

"I'll- I'll kiss you if we win! Spontaneously!"

"I'm not sure what that word means-"

"Like it'll be a surprise..."

Mon-El laughed, bending over and clutching his stomach.

"Hey!" Winn said, slapping Mon-El's arm and pouting. His face reddened. "I thought you WANTED to kiss me-"

"I do!" Mon-El wheezed. "It- it's just not much of a surprise if you tell me now!" Mon-El looked up at Winn and grinned. "I'm going to get that kiss even if it kills me."

Kara watched from under to goal posts as the Slytherin team slowly made it over to their side of the field. Her eyes followed Maggie, who walked to the middle of the pitch to take position as the Slytherin team's chaser. She noticed that one of their regular players was missing. A follower. Kara shook her head and looked back over at Maggie who was grinning at Alex in the stands.

Maggie's eyes met hers from across the pitch and she cupped her hands around her mouth. "I'm not losing! There's a lot on the line for me!"

Kara grinned back. "Don't I know it!" She yelled, laughing when Maggie put a hand on her face in realization.

"Every time I score on your sister-"

"Which you won't."

"-you'll owe me a kiss. Wherever I want."

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