Chapter Fifteen

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Kara ran into the dark cellar. She immediately spotted Alex on the floor, unconscious. Kara took out her wand, levitating her off of the damp floor. She ran outside with Alex in tow.

Maggie was supporting a battered Professor Henshaw.

Kara looked down at the still unconscious Lillian Luthor. "What do we do about her?" She looked up at Maggie and Henshaw.

"She won't wake up for a long time, with the spell I used." Maggie said.

"We should take her, too." Kara said, sighing. "We'll take her to Professor Grant. She'll know what to do."

Maggie nodded. "Let's go then." Kara did not miss the lingering concerned look she gave Alex.

The slowly crept through the eerily silent castle. Maggie quietly walked in front of Kara while holding up Henshaw. Kara walked behind her, a floating unconscious Alex in front of her and a floating unconscious Lillian Luthor behind her.

They somehow made it to Professor Grant's office without incident. Kara motioned for Maggie to hit the gargoyle in front of her. Maggie did as she was told and watched as the stone wall in front of them parted for their entrance.

Professor Grant was speaking to the aurors standing in her office holding struggling students. Kara counted ten seventh years and two sixth years. Professor Grant turned her head to look at where Kara was standing.

Professor Grant's eyes widened and she looked to Henshaw. "What's this?"

He sighed and spoke lowly. "We were ambushed by the cellar." Henshaw motioned for Kara to move over. Professor Grant gasped.

"Lillian Luthor?"

"Yes- she attacked us when we opened the door- Sawyer stopped her before she could do any real damage."

Professor Grant's eyes looked at Maggie intensely. "Yes. I thought it would be you."

Maggie looked at her, tilting her head. "What do you mean."

"In my seeings. A traitor- but I had no idea it would be to the other side." She glanced down at the mark on Maggie's arm. "What changed."

Maggie looked at Alex, who Kara was slowly lowering onto a couch. Professor Grant nodded, accepting her answer.

"You will still be facing the consequences of your earlier actions."

"I understand." Maggie nodded.

Professor Grant looked back to the aurors that were handling the group of students. She slowly walked over and raised each of their sleeves, one by one. The mark was burned into every single one of their arms. She gestured with her head to the fire place, letting the aurors know that they can take the students to the Ministry. She sighed, rubbing her forehead.

One auror came back a few seconds after the large group had left. Before he could speak Professor Grant snapped, "Yes- take her."

Her meaning Lillian Luthor.

The auror nodded and moved the still levitating woman towards the fireplace. He stopped by Kara and extended his hand. "Wand please." Kara nodded and handing him Lillian's wand. He took it and continued to the fireplace.

The office was silent for a few minutes after he had left. Professor Grant turned to look at Kara. "Get some sleep. Take your sister with you. I still have things to discuss with Professor Henshaw and Sawyer."

Kara nodded, too tired to disagree. She looked down at Alex. "Will she wake up?"

"Of course. The spells used on her will wear off in a couple of hours."

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